the elevator (2)

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"your playlist is sick!" yedam exclaimed as he took out his earbud while i did the same
"told you i have good taste" i said and yedam chuckled
"you also sing well, your voice is cute" he said and i felt my heart pace rise up but i chose to ignore it again.
"t-thanks" i mumbled and took back my mp3
"so now that we did that.. what else is on our bucket list?" yedam asked
"we have a bucket list now?"
"no but we can pretend that we do have a bucket list for 'things you can do while you are stuck in an elevator'"
"so you are planning on getting stuck in an elevator again?"
"if it's with you then sure" yedam said with a little smirk on his face and my mind went blank at his statement while my heart beat sky rocketed. i snapped out of my trance when i heard yedam's laugh and i cleared my throat in embarrassment.

"anyway what are we gonna do? i'm bored as fuck here" i said and yedam chuckled but then started rummaging his bag and he pulled out a note book
"gimme that" i said as i snatched the note book and flipped through the pages, most of them written.
i soon realized that it was his song book.
"you write songs?"
"been doing that for years, you can see my handwriting glow up there.. not that it's any better now"
"no, your handwriting is actually quite nice" i said as i stopped flipping and looked at a few of the songs.
"you must really put a lot of effort into these" i said as i examined one of the songs
"of course i have to, it wouldn't sound complete otherwise"
"that's really cool ya know, must have taken a long time"
"it did" he said as he watched me flip pages until i reached the last page.
"this one is incomplete eh?" i asked as i pointed at the title and a lot of scribbled out lyrics after that.

blackswan, it said.

"i couldn't really write the things that i had in mind for it so yeah it's incomplete for now" he said
"what did you have in mind?" i asked
"blackswan is a metaphor for a rare or an unpredictable event, so i was kind of going for a love song with this.. cause love is unpredictable at times?" he said which sounded more like a question
"actually that's really good" i said and he smiled
"thanks but i don't really think this is gonna work for now"
"i've never exactly wrote a song but you know what they say, you can write songs easier when you write it from your experience"
"so you are saying that i should magically fall in love with someone in order to write this song?" he asked while laughing
"why? never loved anyone?"
"been attracted to people? yes, call it love? don't think i can"
"well i get that" i said and yedam suddenly faced me
"what about you?"
"have you ever fallen in love?" he asked

and right on cue the lights in the elevator went out, leaving us stuck in the dark.

"the power" i said and yedam stayed silent for a while
"wait does the help line still work?" i asked as i scooted over to the side and pressed the button, nothing happened.
"oh lord- so we are stuck with no help line too?" i whined but stopped when i heard no reply from yedam.
"yedam, why aren't you talking?" i asked as i tried to move my hands and feel his body. i suddenly felt yedam grab my hand and hold onto it like his life depends on it.
"i-it's d-dark" yedam stuttered
"wait.. are you afraid of the dark?" i asked

i should not find this cute- the guy is struggling y/n-

"it's alright" i said as i used my other hand to locate his head and ruffled his hair in an attempt to comfort him.
the next thing i felt, yedam's head on my shoulder. my heart rate skyrocketed as i felt his hot breathe on the crook of my neck, i felt my face heat up.
"t-the v-ventilation" yedam said
"what about it?"
"i-it's probably.. out as well" he said and that was when i realized what kind of trouble we were actually in
"what?!" i yelled which made yedam flinch and i internally cursed at myself for raising my voice
"sorry" i mumbled as i patted yedam's head again and he simply nodded, gripping on my hand even more.
"i-it's alright"
"but- what should we do now- we can't call the help line either- we can't-" i stopped when yedam suddenly lifted his head off of my shoulder only to give me a hug by wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his head on the crook of my neck

if my heart was not already beating at a fast pace, it is now. i felt my face becoming red by his actions as i wondered if he could hear the sound of my heart from his spot.

"s-sorry" yedam mumbled as he gripped tighter around my waist and i subconsciously threw my hands around his back and returned the hug.
"for what? i should be the one who's sorry for making you even more scared" i said as i raised my hand up to his head to ruffle his hair.
"i-i'm sorry you got stuck here w-with me"
"it's not your fault, it's fine" i said as i stroked his back as an attempt to calm him down.

"i.. my friends once locked me in a d-dark room for 4 hours as a prank.. t-that was when i got afraid of the dark" yedam confessed, breaking the silence in the elevator
"not gonna lie, you're friends are an ass" i said and yedam giggled
"i-i'm not friends with them anymore.. i'm alright" yedam said and i stroked his hair
"good for you" i said
"your turn" yedam said and i paused for a moment, confused.
"y-you didn't answer my question" yedam said and i giggled realizing what he meant.
"nope, i've never fell in love with anyone" i said while laughing

"but you know.. people do fall in love in mysterious ways, so you never know. maybe the person you would fall in love with is right in front of you and you just never noticed"

 yedam lifted his head off of my shoulder, i could feel the fact that our faces are pretty much inches away from each other. i felt butterflies in my stomach because of it.

"right in front of me you say?"

"are you both okay in there?! we are going to lift the elevator now!" the both of us immediately flinched by the loud noise
"yes we are here!" i yelled back and i suddenly felt the elevator moving upwards and then soon after it stopped, the door opened up a little, letting the light in the elevator through the door crack.
"we are opening the door now!!" we heard the loud yelling again. i left yedam off of my grip and yedam moved away from me and we took our bags off the ground and watched the door open slowly.

"jesus here we are" i mumbled as i finally looked out of the elevator to see floor 19.
"that was long" yedam said and we exited the elevator and just stood there awkwardly not really knowing what to do.
"so.. where are you going now?" yedam asked and i looked at him
"i mean- i'm 2 hours late to practice" i said and yedam chuckled
"it's fine, i'm pretty sure they would excuse you if you say that you got stuck in the elevator" he said and i sighed
"i better hurry up then" i said and yedam nodded
"i'll go to my practice room as well" yedam said. none of us really made any move to get to our practice room.
"give me your number" yedam suddenly asked and i almost choked on my spit.
"what? i just want your number" he said as he gave me his phone and i took it saving my number in his phone under the name 'y/n :)'
"i'll text you, thank you for getting stuck with me in the elevator! it would have been horrible without you in there" yedam said and i laughed
"i suppose thank you too then" i said and yedam chuckled
"now go before you actually get in trouble"
"yeah yeah you go hang out with the boys too! see you!"
"wait" yedam said and i immediately stopped and faced him again
"what?" i asked and yedam simply smiled

"maybe they are right in front of me"


"see you around y/n"

i stood there frozen and confused but i shrugged it of and finally started walking up the stairs to my practice room which a faint smile on me.

may 7, i've become friends with bang yedam.

i can't wait to hang out with him more.

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