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"Meow! This is dumb. I don't need to be babysat, muscle punk!" Gin complained.

"Listen, I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't have to, okay? But Kai'll have my head if I don't." Kurumada grumbled. "And it's Kurumada, not muscle punk. How would you like it if I called you kitty cat?"

"I wouldn't mind at all, woof!" Gin bared his claws and Kurumada smirked, rolling his eyes.

"Um, that's...all well and good, but why are we here as well?" Hayasaka piped up, gesturing to himself and a bored-looking Ranmaru.

"I don't wanna babysit the kid by myself. I don't know jack shit about kids." Kurumada scowled.

"Clearly, since you just swore in front of one." Ranmaru said, his voice monotone like usual.

"Sorry, is that too much for your precious ears as well?" Kurumada teased, and Ranmaru's eye twitched.

"Erm, well, I believe it's quite simple to look after a child old enough to do most basic things on his own." Hayasaka concluded, pushing up his glasses. "Gin, did you want a game, or anything?"

"Well I was gonna color before you guys showed up...but we can do something else if you want."

"No, coloring sounds fine." Hayasaka smiled, and Kurumada rolled his eyes.

"Sounds like you guys have it covered. No reason for me to be here then-"

"Oh, one more thing before I go." Kai popped his head back into the room. "Kanna needs to be looked after as well."

"Kanna does not." Kanna pouted behind him, but walked into the room anyway.

"Alright. Goodbye." Kai said simply, and left.

"Great. Two brats now." Kurumada sighed. "Well, I don't trust these guys to be alone with a girl..."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hayasaka sputtered, and Gin giggled.

"Y-You're the one Kanna doesn't trust!" Kanna pouted at him, and Kurumada grinned.

"Huh? Why's that? Sorry I'm not like your wimpy older brother..."

"S-Sou is not wimpy!" Kanna protested.

"Alright, alright...Kanna, would you like to color with us?"

"That's far too childish. Kanna is a grown woman." Kanna huffed.

"A grown woman, huh?" Ranmaru shook his head.

"Oh, whatever. You're only two years older than her, after all." Kurumada commented.

"Still." Ranmaru shrugged. "You don't like coloring, Kanna?"

"Kanna doesn't understand why she can't go to work with Sou. Kanna never gets to see him at work..."

"That's because he works at a sketchy-ass gas station...Criminals who like to steal little girls like you hang out there-!" Kurumada growled, playfully swiping at her.

"Eeek!" Kanna squealed and ducked out of the way. "Th-That's not funny!"

"Yeah! Bucket girl is a big girl, meow!" Gin cheered. "Get him!"

"G-Get him?" Kanna squeaked.

"Yeah, big girl, let's see how mature you really are. This will be great practice for when you wanna visit Sou!" Kurumada pulled her towards him and her bucket tumbled to the ground; he took this opportunity to playfully give her a nougie and she squirmed, giggling profusely.

"Alright, cut it out. Honestly, you really don't know how to work with-" Hayasaka began.

"Yeah, fight! Fight! Fight!" Gin cheered, and Ranmaru chuckled at Hayasaka's offended look.

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