Secrets Secrets, Are No Fun

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"...I think...I've got it." Joe said slowly.

The two were working on homework together in Sara's room. Sara sat at her desk while Joe sat on her bed.

"You did? What is it?" Sara glanced at him.

"No, not the homework..." Joe said dismissively, and Sara rolled her eyes.

"Of course not, why would it be that..."

"The reason why Sou hates you!"

"He hates me? I just thought we had a friendly rivalry."

"Whatever you want to call it. I think it because he's jealous of how much attention Keiji pays to you! And whenever he antagonizes you, Keiji always antagonizes him in turn, and I think they both secretly like it!"

Sara stared at him blankly.

"I mean...yeah. Why are you saying this like it's some big revelation?"

"W-Wait, you've already thought of this?"

"Well yeah. It's pretty obvious to me." Sara frowned. "They totally dig each other."

"Man...I don't think...either one of them knows the other likes them..."

"They'll figure it out. Not my problem." Sara shrugged.

"If you say so..."


"Hey Sou. You know no one's home today, right?"

"Gin is." Sou called through the door. "So shut up and leave me alone."

"No, he's not, I checked. So come on out here...before I go in there and make you."

Sou frowned, shutting his computer and walking out his door. He was greeted by Keiji, who loomed over him.

"What the hell did you just say?" Sou scowled.

Keiji pinned him against the wall and the two started to make out. Keiji snaked his hands around the shorter's boys waist, and Sou gripped the back of his shirt.

"Hey, woof!" Gin barked and the two jumped, breaking apart and staring down at him. "I forgot my lunch! Are you two tickling each other again?"

"...Yes." Keiji said slowly.

"With your lips, meow?" Gin cocked his head.

"...Yes." Sou said slowly.

"I'm not stupid, woof! I'm a big boy, I know what kissing is!" Gin put his hands on his hips.

"...You are a big boy, Gin." Keiji said carefully, crouching down to meet his level. "And that's why I know I can trust you with this secret, right?"

"Secret, meow?" Gin's eyes widened.

"That's right." Keiji said softly. "That means you won't tell anyone you saw us kissing. It'll be our little secret. Doesn't that sound like fun?"

"Yeah, woof!" Gin cheered. "I can't wait to tell suit and specs about our secret!"

He dashed into the kitchen and grabbed his lunch, then dashed past the bewildered boys and out the door.


"Well...we're gonna have to intimidate Hayasaka." Sou sighed.

"Yep." Keiji grunted.

Later that day...

Hayasaka sat at his desk, typing away peacefully. A sudden knock at the door made him jump.

"Come in!"

Keiji and Sou walked in and Hayasaka smiled.

"Oh, hello!"

They didn't say anything as Sou closed the door and leaned against it while Keiji sauntered up to Hayasaka, looming over him in his chair.

"Um...what can I do for you two?" Hayasaka asked.

"...Have you seen Gin today?" Keiji smiled.

"Uh, yes, I believe he's in his room right now."

"We're not looking for him...just wondering whether you've seen him...that's all."

"I see..." Hayasaka slowly stood up. "Listen, I think I already know what this is all about...A-And it's alright, I get that you want it to be a secret...And that's fine with me."

"Fine with you, huh?" Sou raised an eyebrow.

"Well, of course. It's not a big deal, right?"

"Not a big deal?" Keiji lifted an eyebrow. "I think you understand why we'd want to keep our relationship a secret..."

"Your...what?" Hayasaka frowned.

Keiji and Sou glanced at each other, and then at Hayasaka.

"What exactly did Gin tell you?" Sou asked.

"Erm, well...H-He just told me you two like tickling each other. Which I...already knew, seeing as you do it in front of everyone...all the time. I thought him treating it as a secret was just...Gin being Gin."


"But that's not it, is it..." Hayasaka chuckled nervously.

"Nope." Keiji said.

"Because the actual secret you thought Gin told me was that you two are in a romantic relationship, right?"

"Right." Sou said.

"R-Right...heh heh...Well, I can keep a secret." Hayasaka pushed up his glasses.

"We know you can, Hayasaka. We just want to make sure we can trust you, is all." Keiji said softly, and Hayasaka nervously glanced between him and Sou.

"Haha...y-you can..." Hayasaka tried to back up but forgot there was a chair behind him, and instead clumsily sat down in it, staring up fearfully at him.

"This is nothing personal, Hayasaka. It's just...extra precautions." Sou said menacingly, and Hayasaka closed his eyes and turned away, preparing himself.

"Wahahaha....Wahahahahaha!" Keiji shook his head, laughing.

"Ugh. This was such a stupid idea." Sou muttered. "Let's go, Keiji, he gets it."

"Y-Your not...gonna..." Hayasaka reddened.

"Gonna what?" Keiji winked, then started to walk away. "Nah...unless you let it get out, of course. Then I'll wreck you until your begging for mercy, of course. Got it?"

"Got it." Hayasaka squeaked.

They left the room and Keiji and Sou both sagged against the door.

"What are you two doing?"

They both straightened up as Sara and Joe walked by.

"None of your business." Sou said flatly and she frowned and continued to walk forward.

Joe however, lingered, grinning at Keijii.

"You two look like you're hiding something." Joe grinned wider as they stared at him. "Buuut it could just be my imagination, right? Right..."

He walked away and Keiji and Sou sighed.

"Alright...let's go get him." Sou straightened his beanie.

"Yep." Keiji cracked his knuckles.

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