Like Brother Like Sister

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"Kanna...what are you doing." Sou pinched the bridge of his nose and stared at his little sister, who was currently wearing his beanie and his scarf and admiring her new look in the mirror.

"Grrr, my name is Sou and I hate Sara." Kanna growled, then giggled at Sou's baffled expression.

"I don't hate her." He shook his head. "C'mere, give those back."

"No, Kanna is going to be Sou for a day! Kanna wants to see what it's like to be her older brother!" Kanna said.

"Really." Sou muttered. "Well, alright. Just don't...make me say anything weird."

"Lalala, my name is Sou, and I love my little sister so much! She's the best sister in the world!"

"That's..." He chuckled. "You are the best sister in the world. Now go show Keiji. I want to see how he'll treat this..."

"Okay!" Kanna said cheerfully, and dashed out of the room, followed closely by a smirking Sou.

"Keiji! Open up!" She knocked on his door and the tall blonde answered, opening the door and smiling down at her.

"Well, hello, Sou. How can I help you?"

"Ugh." Kanna pouted and crossed her arms. "I don't need your help. I was wondering where Miss Sara was. I want to annoy her. Mwahahahaha."

"I don't...laugh like that." Sou frowned.

"Oh, yeah, you laugh like this. Ehehehehehehe!"

"That's...not much better." Sou shook his head.

"Oh, hello Kanna." Keiji nodded at him and Sou stiffened.

"Ooh, yeah, Sou should be Kanna for today!" Kanna said.

"Oh, should I?" Sou smirked. "I'm Kanna, I love mint ice cream even though it's actually really yucky!"

"I'm Sou, I have a bad taste in ice cream!" Kanna shot back.

"What are you two doing?" Sara grunted, walking up to them.

"Ew, Miss Sara!" Kanna giggled and hid behind Keiji. "Oh Keiji, protect me!"

"I don't do that." Sou blushed.

"Ew?" Sara raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I see. You're pretending to be Sou."

"Was it that obvious?" Sou muttered, then stiffened when she smirked at him.

"Then you must be Kanna today. Alright, come give your big sis a hug!" She held out her arms and Sou frowned.

"Go on, Kanna." Keiji said dryly, and Sou shot him a look.

"Erm...Kanna is sick. She doesn't want Miss Sara to catch a cold." Sou faked a cough.

"How thoughtful of you, Kanna." Sara said warmly.

"What's all this racket, huh?" Kurumada walked into the hall. "Huh...aren't Sou's clothes a little big on you, Kanna?"

"Today she is Sou. And Sou is Kanna." Sara explained.

"Something like that." Sou sighed.

"He should really be wearing a schoolgirl uniform...Kanna is in character with her clothes." Keiji added dryly.

"Haha." Sou muttered.

"I'd pay to see that." Kurumada snorted, and Sou rolled his eyes, feeling himself reach for his scarf and stopping once he realized what he was doing. "You do look kinda naked without your...accessories."

"Yeah, you look even scrawnier without that a neck, I see?" Keiji teased and brushed a finger against the side of his neck, and it took every ounce of Sou not to slap his hand away.

"I'm not Sou, remember?" He said shortly.

"Oh, I see. Your using it when it's convenient to you." Keiji chuckled.

"That's right. So today, you can torment Kanna in my stead." Sou smirked.

"Only if you put on the schoolgirl outfit." Sara snorted.

"Yeah, otherwise I really can't see you as Kanna...I just see two Sous." Keiji teased. "Which honestly sounds like a lot of fun...Two Sous to torment today. I've got my hands full..."

"Pff!" Kanna interjected. "Whatever, Keiji, you're all bark and no bite! Mwahahahaha!"

"Seriously, do you really think I laugh like that?"

"Maybe Sou just needs a refresher on how Sou laughs..." Keiji cracked his knuckles and Sou smirked.

"Heh. Yeah, maybe he does." He said pointedly, staring at Kanna, who was staring at Keiji, who was staring at Sou. "U-Um...when you say Sou..."

"Who's the one who needs the refresher?" Keiji raised an eyebrow, and Sou grinned nervously before bolting.

Everyone followed Keiji as he chased Sou around the apartment, easily catching him in the living room and pinning him down on the floor.

"H-Hey!" Sou yelped. "Be gentle! I'm Kanna right now, remember?"

"I dunno...I just can't see it..." Keiji teased, and Sou reddened.

"He's giving you an ultimatem, Sou." Sara chuckled.

"Yeah. Put on a skirt or get wrecked." Kurumada snorted.

"R-Right, like he wouldn't wreck me either way!" Sou barked. "I'd rather be wrecked in pants!"

"Now pay attention, Sou." Keiji smiled patiently at Kanna, who obediently sat down and listened. "Sou has many different types of laughs. And there's a reason why I call him Giggles...and a reason why he's so nervous you have his scarf..."

"Shit! Dohohohon't!" Sou already tensed up, knowing where Keiji was going to strike.

Keiji had his arms pinned up over his head and was gently sitting on his thighs. He used his other hand to tickle Sou's neck, causing him to squeal profusely and explode with squeaky giggles, kicking out as much as he could.

"This is a pretty bad spot for Sou." Keiji explained. "But if you want to hear him cackle, like an evil little witch, you need to tickle his ribs."

Keiji gently scratched his upper ribs and Sou did indeed let out screechy, high-pitched cackles, grinding his heels against the ground and tugging at his arms frantically.

"And if you think he's a squirmer now, just go a bit lower and be a bit rougher and he'll get even worse..." Keiji demonstrated by digging his fingers into his lower ribs and Sou did indeed thrash even harder, shaking his head and laughing hysterically. "Now, I'm not even quite sure how to describe the noises your about to hear..."

He squeezed Sou's inner thighs and he gave a ragged gasp before squawking with laughter.

"That is a weird sound!" Kanna giggled.

"Isn't it?" Keiji smiled at her. "But of course, if you wanna hear his real laughter..."

"NO-!" Sou managed to choke out before bursting into full, unrestrained laughter as Keiji tickled his belly.

"Right here. Look at that smile."

Sou blushed as everyone around him either smirked down at him or laughed along with him.

"And that's a comprehensive explanation of Sou's laughter. Hopefully that will help you better imitate him in the future."

"Thank you Keiji!" Kanna cheered and hugged him, and Sou glanced up at them tiredly.

"I think...It's Keiji's turn to be Sou now..." Sou said darkly. "And I'll be Keiji."

"I'd like to see you try." Keiji's eyes gleamed and the two boys locked eyes as Sara and Kurumada glanced at each other knowingly, both sighing and shaking their heads.

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