Muscle Cramp

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"Mind if I sit down?"

Sou jumped and quickly glanced up; it was only Mishima.

"Oh, it's you, Mishima. Yeah, go ahead."

Mishima sat down next to Sou in the soft, warm sand, staring out into the blue sea.

"You seemed surprised to see me. Are you expecting someone?"

"No." Sou sighed. "Just a little on edge, is all."

"Aren't we all." Mishima gave a half-hearted attempt at a laugh. "Anything I can help with?"

"Not unless you can get us off this island." Sou muttered.

"Not by myself, I can't." Mishima gripped his shoulder in a comforting gesture, but Sou stared at him warily. "That's why it's important that we work together to survive on this island, so that Miley will hopefully let us go."

"No offense, Mishima, but it's not as easy as you make it out to be." Sou said bitterly.

"I never said it was easy, Sou. But it's all we can do."

"...I don't want to spend the last days of my life surrounded by people who don't even like me." Sou muttered.

"Well, Sou, they only act apprehensive around you because you say such ominous things." Mishima smiled, and Sou shrugged.

"Yeah..." Sou glanced at him. "Um...Professor...why are you wet?"

"I just went for a swim, dear boy! Which reminds is your leg? Is it still cramping up?" Mishima asked.

"Um." Sou blushed; he had forgotten about his lie to Mishima. "Yes."

"That's too bad." Mishima frowned, and suddenly squeezing just above his knee. "I wonder why-"

Sou gave a small bark of laughter and surged forward, grabbing Mishima's wrist.

"My word!" Mishima stared at him, frightened. "I didn't mean to hurt you! I didn't realize I had squeezed that hard!"

Sou reddened.

"N-No!" He said quickly. "I mean, uh...shit."

Mishima stared at him curiously.

"It's probably just the cramp." Sou smiled weakly, hoping Mishima would drop it.

However, this only made things worse.

"This is more serious than I thought. You might have torn a muscle!"


"Lie down in the sand, Sou. I will have to examine this more thoroughly..."

Sou, feeling more miserable than ever, laid down as instructed and pulled his beanie down over his face. He jumped immediately as Mishima started to probe and massage near the top of his knees.

"Now, this is concerning...what if he dislocated his kneecap?" Mishima muttered to himself, and Sou squealed as he felt his kneecap being squeezed.

Mishima's prodding fingers wandered all along his leg, and Sou squirmed in the sand, feeling his face grow redder by the second.

Sou yelped and sat straight up, much to Mishima's alarm.

Both Mishima and Sou stared at where his fingers were now; his inner thigh.

"Here then. Got it." Mishima massaged his inner thigh and Sou doubled over, cackling.

"Mishimahahaha! Plehehehase, S-STOP!"

"Are you hysterical?" Mishima seemed amazed. "Lie down, dear boy, I will have this sorted out in no time."

Mishima held him back with a surprisingly strong arm and Sou clutched it, laughing hopelessly as his upper leg was attacked.

"I cahahahan't!" He cried out weakly. "Prohohohofehehehessohohohor, it t-tickles!"

Mishima stopped at once, glancing at Sou, who clung to his arm and panted, his face flushed.

"I didn't have a cramp to begin with." Sou mumbled. "I just...don't know how to swim."

"So...let me get this straight." Mishima pushed up his glasses. "You lied to me about having a cramp because you were embarrassed to tell me that you can't swim...And you lied to me about the cramp hurting because you were embarrassed to tell me that you are ticklish."

Sou let go of his arm and crossed his own, looking away.

" don't have to be embarrassed. Most people are ticklish. And I can teach you how to swim."

"That's okay." Sou said quickly, and stood up. "I really don't need to learn."

"Don't be ridiculous." Mishima stood up as well. "We are on an island. You simply must learn, and since I am the only teacher here..."

"O-Okay, fine. Whatever." Sou anxiously peered up at the taller man. "Just...not today, okay? I need a drink."

Mishima's mouth formed a firm line.

"Not an alcoholic one, I hope?" He asked suspiciously.

"I'm 21!" Sou barked, his ears pink.

"Well, alright, then! Let us return to the tents and have ourselves a drink! Perhaps with Keiji?"

Sou hesitated.

"Sure. Um...Mishima? Just...don't tell him about...uh...all the stuff. That you know. About me. That happened today."

Mishima smiled.


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