How I Know You

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"...What." Sou said dully, trying his best to focus on his coding instead of that fact that Midori was staring at him with an unnerving grin.

"I was just thinking how nice it is to know absolutely everything about someone...and how unfortunate it is that I cannot read minds."

Sou chuckled.

"Well, I don't think either of those things are possible, actually."


"Yeah, um...It's pretty much impossible to know absolutely everything about a single person, seeing as they have a new thought like...every second."

"That's why I want to read minds."

"No, you wouldn't. You have too much fun analzying people."

"Hm." Midori narrowed his eyes, his smile widening. "You know me so well."

Not really, Sou thought.

"Too bad. I'd love to crack open your head and mess with your brain matter."


"Not that I think you're hiding anything from me, of course." His voice was sickeningly sweet, and Sou felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up; he didn't dare glance over at him now.


Save for the clacking of his fingers against the keyboard, the room was absolutely silent as Sou felt unease rise in him.


Sou glanced at him, then wished he hadn't; Midori was practically glowing with mischief.

"We've been friends for a while now...And yet you haven't told me anything particularily...deep, about yourself."

"I...could say the same about you." Sou swallowed.

"Ah, I'm an open book." Midori's eyes gleamed, and Sou frowned.

"Whatever..." He mumbled, glancing back at his screen.

"Sou...what's your deepest, darkest secret?"

Sou stopped typing; he glanced at Midori and gave him a nervous smile.

"S-Seriously? What are we, little girls at a slumber party?" He stared at Midori, who stared back.

Sou looked away; he could never look him in the eye for too long.

"Well?" Midori said softly.

"I don't have one." Sou shook his head and went back to typing. "I'm really boring."

"Nobody is boring." Midori whispered. "Just the way you lie is interesting enough."

"I'm not lying." Sou mumbled. "What kinda secret would I even have?"

"Mm, I'm not sure..." Sou heard him get up, and he tensed. "But I, for one...cannot wait to find out."

He left the room and Sou relaxed, his heart pounding against his ribs.

What...was that?

The truth was, Sou did have secrets. A lot of them, actually. But there were two in particular that Midori could never, ever find out.

Sou shook his head and returned to coding. It wasn't as if Midori was going to force him, anyway...



The next several weeks passed without anything too weird happening; Midori didn't bring up the previous conversation, and life continued as normal as the two of them sat typing away in Sou's room; Sou at his desk, and Midori who sat on Sou's bed. Sou always wondered what Midori was working on, but he never dared to ask.

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