Like Fire And Rain

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"So, let's get to work, I've only got two hours and then I've gotta run." Trixie says as she opens up her guitar case, taking out her signature guitar. 

I can't help but stare at the famous instrument and it's intricate details. There's hardly a person on the entire Northern Hemisphere who doesn't know what Trixie Mattel's guitar looks like. I can still remember the early days of her fame when photos of the "new country-pop sensation; Trixie Mattel" went viral and her one-of-a-kind guitar was the talk of the town. Nowadays there are dolls sold of her with a replica of it included. Honestly, seeing it up close, I can't blame anyone for being fascinated by the instrument because it is truly unique. A light pink, half-acoustic guitar with mother of pearl inlays shaped like swallows on it's neck and beautiful rose branch inlays on it's back. On the front the words "if i forget how the song used to go" are carefully engraved in cursive letters, a line no one has ever gotten Trixie to explain the importance of. As I stare at the words, I can't help but want to ask, but I stop myself, keeping my focus on the task at hand.

"Trixie, there's no way we'll have time enough to create an album if you can't be here to brainstorm. We've gotta have time for the creative process to flow." I tell her. It's only day two and I'm already wondering if I've made the right decision by agreeing to this.

"I can't help it! I've got an interview, then a photoshoot, and then tonight I've got my concert, I also really should try to get in a couple other interviews... maybe I could do one in the car on the way to the concert?"

"Have you ever considered that you work too much?" I interject as she rambles on about things she wants to push into her schedule.

"I like being busy, it keeps my mind focused." Trixie replies.

"I get that, but doing interviews on the way to a concert? You're overworking yourself, no wonder you're struggling to produce an album." 

"Oh please, just because you struggle to keep up with a full schedule, doesn't mean that everyone else does." 

"Well, I think you are struggling with it, I think you just don't want to realize it." I say as I stand up and walk out of the room to find Courtney in the hallway. "Hey Courtney, can I borrow you for a minute?"

"Of course, what's up?" She replies, putting her phone away.

"Katya, what are you doing?" I hear Trixie say from inside the room.

"Listen, Trixie's schedule is way too packed for us to be able to do anything productive creatively. Is there any way to make sure she has every morning and afternoon free? I get that concerts can't be canceled, but can't photoshoots and interviews be rescheduled? I really need her here if I'm gonna do this." I tell her.

"Well, it will take some work, but if it's needed then yeah, I'll get it done." Courtney says. 

"What?! You can not be serious?" Trixie says, storming out. "You're gonna let her dictate my schedule?"

"Oh, come on, don't be such a whiny brat." I reply.

"Trixie, we need her help and if she needs you here to do her job then obviously I'll make sure that happens." Courtney tells her.

"B-but... it's my schedule, it's my job.. She can't just waltz in here like this! Who the fuck does she think she is?" Trixie whines before turning directly towards me. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" 

"The one who's gonna save your career. Now quit whining and act like a fucking adult." I reply.

"Oh, that is rich coming from you, Miss rebelling teen of the century! I am acting like an adult, I am putting my job first like adults do! You however are telling me to stop acting like an adult so you can do your whole I'm a real artist, live in the moment like me, the process is more important than the goal - bullshit!" 

"Trixie! That is enough! You'll listen to Katya and that's final." Courtney says strictly, something I didn't really expect from her.

"This conversation is not done." Trixie says before stomping back into the room, slumping down in a chair with a pout on her lips.

"Yes, it is!" Courtney yells towards the studio.

"Thank you, for fixing her schedule, and for putting your foot down." I tell the manager. 

"No problem, Trixie can be... difficult, when she doesn't get her way. It's not as bad as when she gets impatient, since she quite literally wants things done before she's thought of them, but it's definitely exhausting at times."

"Believe me, I know... Thanks again." I say before I head back into the studio, closing the door behind me.

"Are you really this insistent on making my life hell?" Trixie asks once I sit back down. 

"I'm trying to help you, believe it or not. It's not my fault that you act like a stubborn brat every time things don't go your way." 

"That's because I know I'm right, it's not my fault that you don't realize it." 

"Oh my god, am I gonna have to push you down against this table and spank your ass to make you shut up about this?" I ask half-jokingly, allthough the thought has crossed my mind with how bratty this girl is acting and with her reaction to my words yesterday.

Trixie shuts up entirely then, her eyes going comically wide, looking back and forth from me to the table. I can practically see the gears turning in her head. She bites her lip, her nails digging into her thigh lightly as she seems to consider the words way more seriously then I had originally meant them.

"Not so chatty now, are you?" I tease.

"L-let's just get back to work." She finally says, breaking out of her trance-like state, her eyes looking down at the ground as a cute blush coats her cheeks.

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