Love Me Better

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"Then prove it, I dare you."

I pull her onto the bed before skillfully flipping us over so she's beneath me. I capture her in another kiss, desperate to feel those soft lips against mine again. Then I start moving down her neck, sucking slightly harder whenever I reach a point that's especially sensitive. I reach behind her to remove her bra as I place soft kisses down her cleavage. 

"You are so fucking hot." I whisper as I stare at Trixie's ridiculously big, natural breasts.

They're soft and warm, and perfectly round, her nipples hard and rosy pink. I continue my kisses down until I reach one of her nipples, stopping to suck and bite it slightly as I massage her other breast, hearing her moan softly as I do so. 

"Katya... please, I need you." She says, pushing my head slightly downwards.

"I've got you, don't worry. I've got you, princess." I tell her in a seductive tone.

I continue my trail of kisses down to her thick thighs, stopping to carefully remove her knee socks and her heels. Once they're off I continue kissing and sucking my way up to the edge of her panties again. I look up for a moment, only starting to slide them off after receiving a consenting nod from Trixie.

"What do you want, baby?" I ask.

"I want ahh-"

She stops her sentence abruptly as I gently slide two fingers between her folds, letting them travel up and down slowly without adding any pressure or fully entering her.

"Huh? Got a little tongue-tied there, princess?"

"God... your fingers, please." She moans, her hips desperately moving against me, trying to gain more pressure.

"Hmm, but you've already got that? I'm touching you aren't I?" I tease.

"Ugh, you know that's not what I mean." Trixie whines.

"Do I? I think you're gonna have to be a bit more clear."

Trixie leans up, clearly annoyed by my teasing, grabbing onto my hair and pulling me slightly towards her. 

"I think you know exactly what I mean. So why don't you get your fingers where I want them, and fuck me properly, huh?" Trixie says sternly, her tone of voice far more demanding than usual. 

I nod quickly in response. My mouth feels dry and I'm unable to find any words rt reply, but I'm dead set on fucking Trixie until she's screaming my name. I enter one finger into her, my core throbbing when I fully feel how wet she is. I soon enter another finger, shivering at the broken moan that leaves the girl's lips as I do so.

I'm completely mesmerized by the girl beneath me when I start to push in and out of her, fucking her deeply and curling my fingers up now and then. She's so responsive, little high pitched whines escaping her whenever I hit the right spot. I speed up slightly, kissing the soft swell of her stomach when I hear her start to moan louder. 

"Fuck... right there, Katya." Trixie moans, and all I can think of is how beautiful my name sounds in that moment.

I lean my head down, my mouth finding her clit, and I start sucking and licking it as I fuck her harder. Trixie grabs hold of the sheets with both hands, her knuckles nearly turning white. Her hips move desperately beneath me as she chases her high. I feel her clench around my fingers and moments later she cums hard with a yell of my name.

"Holy shit." She whispers breathlessly, her chest moving up and down quickly. 

"You okay there?" I tease.

"Yeah... that was so good... God, it's been way too long since I've fucked anyone." Trixie replies with a bright smile, her cheeks flushed and her skin glistening. She pulls me close, capturing my lips in a passionate kiss. 

"Get undressed." She tells me once we pull away. "Put on a show for me."

I stand up, slowly removing my clothes one garment at a time. When I slide off my jeans I make a point to turn away from her so she'll get a full view off my ass. Soon enough I'm left in only my black thong and so I turn back around, gasping slightly when I see Trixie laying there with her legs spread rubbing circles into her clit. If she wasn't my definition of a walking wet-dream before, my current view would certainly have secured her the title.

"Oh no, honey. I said get undressed, that means everything." Trixie says. I bite my lip slightly before I slide off my panties, suddenly feeling very exposed and vulnerable despite the fact that Trixie was just as naked. "So gorgeous... fuck.. Now come sit on my face, babe." 

"Seriously?" I ask, feeling weirdly nervous all of a sudden. Trixie is very direct, which is good and honestly so fucking hot, but also slightly intimidating.

"Yes, come ride my fucking face." She says before stopping the movements of her fingers and looking at me with worried eyes. "Unless you don't like that, 'cause we can do something else, it was just an idea-"

"Trix, I'd love to, seriously so so much. You just caught me a little by surprise." I say giggling at her seemingly being just as nervous as me. It almost feels like being a teenager again, when you're mapping everything out for the first time.

"Oh... sorry." She says cutely, blushing a deep shade of red. 

"Come here." I say, climbing onto the bed and pulling her towards me, capturing her lips in a sweet kiss. 

Once we pull away I situate myself above her, and Trixie wastes no time before pulling me down by my thighs towards her mouth, her warm tongue soon sliding between my folds. I start to move my hips against her, desperately searching for more pressure. I know it won't take much for me to reach my high, not after having watched Trixie come undone. 

"Fuck Trix... you're so good at that." I moan as I feel myself get closer. 

She sucks on my clit and I grab hold of her hair, trying to pull her even closer towards me. Trixie slaps my ass hard in response before she goes back to licking between my folds. My hips start to move desperately against her tongue again, and I feel myself quickly approaching my high.

"Right there! Shit... I'm so close, baby.. Don't stop, fuck.. Aahh Trixie!" I scream as I finally feel that wave of pleasure crash through me, my entire body shaking as I cum harder than ever before. After catching my breath I carefully climb off her and lay down next to her on the bed.

"You look so beautiful right now." I whisper to her in my post-orgasm haze before I kiss her softly. Trixie lays her head on my shoulder, and I lazily wrap my arm around her waist pulling her closer. 

In that moment everything feels so natural, and all I can think is that I wouldn't mind falling asleep every night with Trixie in my arms.

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