Chapter 1

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"This is crazy!" Stacy laughed to her friend Marie as they scanned the photos of the half naked guys on escort website.

"Stacy , do you really want to go to this reunion and watch Chris and his bimbo fall all over each other and be alone , and have people look at you with pity?"

Marie was right , at least if she showed up with a hot man on her arm who would fawn all over her to stick it to him and his lady bimbo as they referred to Chris's girlfriend Lisa she wouldn't look broken and alone .

"Oooohhhh " Marie squealed as she pointed at the screen rapidly

" Look at this guy named Paul , he's totally hot!"

Stacy looked at the man Marie was referring to and started reading his Bio

Paul Thomas was 39 years old and a New York Native , a college graduate holding a bachelors degree in Criminal Justice . His list of interests/hobbies included old muscle cars , motorcycle riding , working out , etc.

Stacy looked at his picture he had dark wavy brown hair , soulful hazel eyes , and nice pouty lips , in the photos of him smiling you could see a hint of dimples in his cheeks .

He had a bad boy , biker vibe to him with his dark mustache , beard stubble , one pierced ear and multiple tattoos showing.

He was cute , thought Stacy who's heart suddenly started beating a bit rapidly and felt some stirrings from down below.

" He has nice lips " Stacy quietly nodded her head in affirmation and Paul's hotness

Marie's clicked the contact button below his picture and her fingers flew like lighting over the keyboard quickly filling in Stacy's contact information with the best time and method to reach her and the purpose for the date.

"There I just hit send its all done ! " Marie exclaimed with pride breaking the silence in the room .She picked up the ice cold bottle of wine from the ice bucket on the table between them and pored another glass of Pino Grigio for both of them

"Let's toast to your date , a great reunion and to sticking it to Chris and that big whore he's with!"

Stacy laughed as she clinked glasses with her best friend and took a big swallow of the wine. shaking her head thinking to herself Oh my god what have you done ? You have finally went and lost your mind , allowing your best friend to talk you into buying a man for your High school reunion just so nobody could actually see that yes you are hurt , and yes your husband left you for a younger woman . Maybe it's me , maybe I'm just unworthy of love after all doesn't everyone leave in the end?

Paul's computer dinged with a new message in his email account as he was pouring his second cup of coffee for the day. Paul lived on a high amount of coffee all day long he just loved it with two sugars and coffeemate.

He made his way across the room to the computer sitting on his desk to check the email that sat unread in his inbox. His eyes scanned the email as he began to hum and write information down with the black box pen on the yellow legal pad that he kept next to his keyboard.

" Well Stacy Walsh looks like we're gonna be going to a high school reunion together in the near future" as he saluted her with his coffee mug and took a large sip of the hot Carmel colored liquid.

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