Chapter 11

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"Where the fuck have you been man??!! I thought you were in jail or dead!" Steve's angry and hurt words came yelling through the phone into Paul's ear.

Steve Green was the CEO of the Gigolo company that Paul worked for and hadn't spoken to , avoided his calls and basically dissed to hang out with Stacy all the time, and he was really really angry.

"I thought we were friends Paul, this is so not cool, if you needed some time off I would have gladly given you as much time as you needed. I was honestly worried because I haven't talked to you in a few weeks , not to mention how unprofessional it looks to our clients."

"Steve , Im sorry , I have a situation going on here and I should have called you to explain , and I'm not sure at this time when or if I'll be returning to work" Paul was sorry , Steve has been his friend and had been really good to him after his divorce. He has been there for him in good times and had kept him company in those bad times. He had given him focus and and a way back to feeling like a man again after he felt like a nothing for a long time.

"What's going on With you Paul? Wait ,don't tell me on the phone I want to see you at The Rocking Horse at 6 tonight , I'll buy my missing best friend dinner and a drink ok?"

Paul smiled Steve was a good man and he owed it to him to tell him the truth about Stacy , her kids , her ex and his feelings about her. He owed it to himself to be honest about what his feelings were about her . when he thought of her he just smiled all the time and he knew what they were he just couldn't bring himself to admit it or maybe he was scared about what they were , afraid of being hurt again.

"It's a date my friend, I am sorry Steve I was wrong to do that to you."

"There's no sorry's in baseball" Steve said laughing .

It was a private joke between them from the movie "A League of Their Own" when Tom Hanks said there was no crying in baseball , they decided to use it but with the word sorry instead. They used it to the effect there are no Sorry's in their friendship but the gesture is always appreciated.

Paul laughed as he hung up the phone and shook his head as his mind flashed back to the question Stacy asked him the night before "what happened when the job was over?" She asked him . He had stopped thinking about her as a "job" a while ago he wasn't sure when it happened , and when he stopped seeing other women in dates but before he realized it , he had .

"What happens when the "job" is over ?" Those words just had hung in the air for what seemed like forever and as he opened his mouth to answer , not knowing exactly what he was going to say when a sleepy voice interrupted their conversation "Mommy?"

Stacy and Paul were snapped back into reality by Timmy's voice and they both turned around to look at him stretch and stuffed a big yawn.

" Hey baby, we are almost home you ok?"

"Yeah mom , I'm fine . Thanks for taking us to the movies tonight Paul , it was really fun I've never been to a drive in before."

Paul smiled at the boy thinking about how good Stacy's sons both were. Good ,polite , nice boys. She was a good mom , a wonderful lady , and hot to boot! He felt like he had the world by the balls at that point , he felt like a lucky man.

"Your very welcome buddy, this is just the first in many fun things ahead we are gonna do."

"Paul" Stacy interrupted uncomfortably not having finished their conversation and not wanting him to promise the boys things that may not happen for them.

Paul was interrupted from his thoughts once again by bing of his email noticing him that he just got a new message in his email box. He walked over to the computer and moved the mouse and made a few clicks to open up his email .


The words jumped off the screen at him and seemed to suspend time , Paul quickly looked at the return email address and saw it was sent from a unknown blocked address , he would bet all the money he had it was from that dirtbag Chris . Rage boiled deep down inside of him and he vowed to take care of this piece of shit once and for all!

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