Chapter 3

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" Hey Stacy , how are you ? How's the kids and Chris doing ?" Asked Melissa Donner

Stacy looked up from the Plum tomatoes she was choosing from at the outdoor farmers market to see the plump face of Melissa smiling at her.

Melissa was a nice woman with short red hair , blue eyes , and a few added extra pounds after having her four children , two girls two boys. They went to high school together and although not the best of friends they still maintenance a friendship as their husbands were friends , they all hung out together from time to time and they saw each other at community events due to the similarity of their children's ages and the small town in which all of them lived in.

"I'm good thanks , you know same old same old , kids are good getting big , busy with their friends , Boy Scout events , baseball etc. and Chris is good work is picking up thank goodness" Stacy replied putting several of the plum tomatoes in her bag , they will make for a nice bruschetta later tonight as an appetizer for dinner she smiled to herself.

" That's great, he must almost be done with the job at Lisa's by now what is she having done anyway?"

The words were like someone threw a brick at her head , the job at Lisa's , there was no job at Lisa's and there hadn't been any work scheduled there , she would know she booked all his appointments for the plumbing business. He was supposed to be working on some obscure job in an apartment complex just outside of town or so he said. He had booked the appointment himself having met the owner of the building in a bar over a couple of beers and it was going to be a great opportunity with more work to come he had excitedly told her about it six months ago. That's when the late nights , the non answering of cell phone calls to him , the pulling and the too tired to have sex anymore started.

He was just working hard and I don't want to bust his balls about it so she let it all slide. I don't want to be that woman, you know the nagging , bitching , ball breaking suspicious wife , who always thought the worst of any situation and suspected that her husband must be up to no good.

Melissa was staring at her waiting for a response Stacy realized so she did what had to be done , smiled and said some nonsense about putting new plumbing in , restoring old pipes , and some patch work on stuff that could be saved, as Melissa then prattled on about Dave her husband , her four children and what was going on with her Stacy wasn't even paying attention as inside her mind her world was shattering and her heart was breaking with the realization that Chris was cheating on her with Lisa.

Lisa was four years younger then Stacy and always had some dopey crush on Chris all through school. She was pretty with long brown hair and brown eyes and had a slim figure never having children herself. She was always flirting with him when they ran into her at the local bar , grocery store , or any venue and Chris would just laugh and say " awww but baby I love you , why would I ever want to be with anyone else?" Putting any irrational thoughts and doubts that she had to eat with a quick peck on her lips.

" Melissa I really have to run I just remembered I have to make a call for Chris about some part he needs " Stacy interrupted her with a touch of her hand on her arm.

" Sure , hey call me and maybe you guys can come over for a barbecue soon with the kids , I'll get the guts some beers and get us some Margaritas."

" That sounds great I'll mention it to the Chris " Stacy yelled knowing there would be no barbecues , and no more double dates as she hurried away from her with plans to head straight for the liquor store and buy a huge bottle of Jack Daniels and confront Chris with the Lisa information as soon as step foot through the door tonight .

The ice clinked in the glass as Stacy poured her third straight Jack into the rocks glass. She was feeling the effects of the alcohol and it had number her enough to make the tears stop flowing and the breaking of her heart lessen a bit.

The burn of the alcohol in her mouth felt good as she took a sip from the glass and she thought about all that was about to change not only in her life but her boys lives. Christopher was ten years old and the spitting of Chris with his dirty blonde hair and brown eyes and Daniel was eight and looked more like his mother with brown hair and green eyes.

The slam of the car door outside signaled Chris was home for the day and she could hear his footsteps approaching the front of the house.

"Hey babe , I'm home phew www what a day " he said as he turned the corner and took in the sight of the rocks glass , the bottle of Jack and an obviously buzzed Stacy with swollen red eyes sitting at the kitchen table.

"What's going on? Is everything alright? What happened why are you upset?" The questions quick and full of concern as he made his way over to her.

Stacy got up crossed the room and grabbed some ice, another glass and came back over to the kitchen table and poured a glass for him and filled hers back up.

" Chris we need to have a talk about Lisa"

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