Into The Furnace: Alternate Take

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Sagami: (in Russian) I don't care what time it is, I want Moscow on the line now, you hear me?! Tell them it's General Sagami- I will not be ignored!

Smith: (over radio) Say again- Sagami is wheels up... Yotsuba? Yotsuba?!

Yotsuba: (on radio) Stand by... (pulled out knife) I've got eyes on...

Sagami: (in Russian) Interrupt his fucking breakfast- Terrorists are attacking my facility, deploy Spetsnaz immediately...! Listen, you son of a whore, I am your superior officer, do you-- hello? HELLLO? (get hung up) Useless fucks. All personnel, this is your general speaking. Do not worry, I am safe and in a secure location where I can monitor the situation closely... Security- This is your general...Send all units to guard the furnace. What do you mean it's locked off, who's inside?! Just get your ass in there, or I'll have you shot in Red Square! (in English) To the insurgents who brought these senseless acts of aggression to my home and to my peaceful factory-

Sagami: You will be severely punished for these crimes! Surrender while you still can! (in Russian) Control, I want a crash-team deployed immediately, give them all the firepower we have and send them to the furnace! Listen to me! You ungrateful b...

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Sagami: You will be severely punished for these crimes! Surrender while you still can! (in Russian) Control, I want a crash-team deployed immediately, give them all the firepower we have and send them to the furnace! Listen to me! You ungrateful bastards! I hate her sisters! They're attracting my people away from my attention,

Sagami: You will be severely punished for these crimes! Surrender while you still can! (in Russian) Control, I want a crash-team deployed immediately, give them all the firepower we have and send them to the furnace! Listen to me! You ungrateful b...

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just like that bitch, Miku, that everyone kept mourning for!/ I warned you about them! I told you they needed to be stopped! When they came to my home, I told you... Pilot, come in! Evgeny, do you read?! Evgeny, I know you're there because we are fucking airborne! Now answer me! Evgeny, do you fucking copy?

(something caught Sagami's eyes)

(something caught Sagami's eyes)

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