Going Dark

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(A Russian police cruiser is driving through the road, revealed to be Erwin Smith driving it while Shouya is in the back.)

Smith: Hey... There's a checkpoint.

Shouya: For us? (pulls out his M13 assault rifle)

Smith: What- is there a difference?

Shouya: Road's blocked. What's the plan...?

Smith: (thinking) Shock and awe. (turns on the lights and the sirens)


Shouya: What if they don't move?

Smith: Then all hell's going to break loose...

(Smith loads his Kilo 141 assault rifle and puts it down. Two Russian police cars are parked at the checkpoint and two Russian police officers are trying to stop the car.)

Shouya: Three seconds...

Smith: That's plenty of time...

(Suddenly, the two police officers get out of the way in the nick of time.)

Smith: [LAUGHS]

Shouya: (relieved) Holy shit, Captain...

Smith: Yuuya saved our bacon.

Shouya: What if they follow?

Smith: They won't.

(driving through the road)

(driving through the road)

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Shouya: Boss... What the hell are we doing here?

Smith: We're cleaning up a mess.

Shouya: With women and children?

Smith: They were leverage.

Shouya: They were hostages.

Smith: When you take the gloves off, you get blood on your hands, Shouya. That's how it works.

Shouya: (sighs) Where do we draw the line on this, sir?

Smith: You draw the line wherever you need it, Sergeant. End of the day someone has to make the enemy scared of the dark. We get dirty and the world stays clean. That's the mission. Now if you're having second thoughts, then I can do this on my own...

Shouya: No, sir. No second thoughts.

Smith: Good. Now let's get Nero before he kills Sagami.

 Now let's get Nero before he kills Sagami

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Modern Warfare (2019): Anime EditionWhere stories live. Discover now