Spec Ops

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Operation: Headhunter

Laswell: This is Case Officer Lawsell of the Coalition. I'm in joint command with Segreant Hiratsuka of the Allegiance.

Hiratsuka: We've put our differences aside. Together, as Armistice, this is our first direct action against Miku Nakanos army.

Laswell: Your mission is to find, fix, and finish off high-value targets of the MN network in Verdansk.

Hiratsuka: These HVTs are powerful, well-connected collaborators, offering material aid and support to our enemy.

Laswell: They all serve one new master, who's leading the Miku Nakanos charge on Verdansk. To find him, we need to find them.

Hiratsuka: Your first operation is against a high-ranking MN figure they call "Almalik", the Landlord.

Laswell: Almalik owns several warehouses across Verdansk, serving as Miku Nakanos weapons depots. He's a slumlord for guns and terrorists.

Hiratsuka: Your team will insert into the southern district to engage and capture enemy personnel for intel leading to Almalik's warehouses.

Laswell: Get this right and we will nullify MN's stockpiles. Hit the jackpot and we locate Almalik himself. Be advised, if you find him, he will be well defended. Good hunting.

Operation: Just Reward

Laswell: The war in Verdansk runs on a black market. That means dirty money and someone to clean it.

Hiratsuka: For that, Miku Nakanos uses a British banker, one of our primary HVTs and the man responsible for laundering their currency.

Laswell: We don't know the Banker's name, but we do know he runs a system of server farms that spit-shine MN cash so they can weaponize the proceeds.

Hiratsuka: We need an assault force on the ground to shut these transactions down. Your team will target hostile forces for intel that points us to the Banker's crypto servers.

Laswell: Once you retrieve enough data, we'll triangulate it, freeze their assets, and attempt to revoke the birth certificate of the man who holds the purse strings. First and foremost, get in country, and round up MN fighters for actionable intel on the Banker's operation.

Operation: Harbinger

Laswell: Our gains in Verdansk could kick the hornet's nest. As Armistice eliminates their upper echelon, Miku Nakanos is making more aggressive and desperate moves.

Hiratsuka: This is 'El Traficante'. He helms a worldwide smuggling operation based in South America that moves contraband all over the globe.

Laswell: He protects himself, his customers, and his shipments. We're going after all three.

Hiratsuka: A local asset reported that El Traficante is moving something big across Verdansk before sundown. At 0700, he transmitted a distress signal. That was our last contact.

Laswell: You need to reacquire the asset and learn what he knows about El Traficante's plan so we can stop it.

Hiratsuka: Infil your team to the north zone, where you'll assault a series of MN safehouses. Search and send back any intel you find.

Laswell: Time is not on our side. If El Traficante is coordinating a move, MN may be launching a strike tonight.

Operation: Paladin

Laswell: The criteria for mission success is to defeat Miku Nakanos's supply chain.

Hiratsuka: This is an arm dealer they call, "Mr. K." K is wanted by the International Criminal Court for "conspiracy to transport, sell, and supply arms to a foreign terrorist organization."

Laswell: Mr. K appears to have focused on one exclusive client, Miku Nakanos's new number one... and has positioned himself as both supplier and advisor to the terrorist leader.

Hiratsuka: A volunteer physician on the ground, Dr. Linda Morales, informed us that K's been using medical shipments as a front for moving hazardous materials into Verdansk. Four hours ago, she was taken hostage by MN operatives.

Laswell: Armistice's primary objective is to rescue Dr. Morales. If K is bringing chemical weapons into this fight, she may know where to find them.

New Miku Nakanos

Laswell: From the onset of this operation, the formation of Armistice ruffled feathers. They said Russian and the West couldn't work together... they were wrong.

Hiratsuka: Thanks to your assault teams, the Miku Nakanos support network has been cut off and the power brokers that emboldened this terrorist threat have been eliminated.

Laswell: However, Mr. K still remains at large. His weapons are locked and loaded in terrorists hands all over Verdansk. Our presence in the region is the only line of defense preventing K and the new MN boss from pushing through to Urzikstan.

Hiratsuka: This unknown leader is now calling his army, "Miku Nakano-Ajahdid", the 'New' ones.

Laswell: These New killers are calling him, "The Immortal Lion", or "Khaled Al-Asad".

Laswell: These New killers are calling him, "The Immortal Lion", or "Khaled Al-Asad"

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