Chapter One

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It had been raining that night heavily and the wind was a full blown gale and there i stood clinging to my father as he turned and left us, me and my brother Terrence. Terrence and me had been really close before that night but after we drifted apart as he became father and mother to me. At this time Terrence was 19 and I was 16. For weeks after my father left i dreamt about him and every waking thought was spent going over the time i had spent with him trying to figure out why he left. Things were hard and after a while I could see Terrence slowly sinking further and further into himself I tried to help to make him find the joy in life but i failed and a few weeks after he commited suicide. Planning the funeral was hard so I left it to the funeral directors, the pain of losing someone else consumed me and i began to wonder if death really was a better option. I tried but I could never do it, I had always hated pain and death plus I knew if i did commit suicide when I went to heaven my brother and mum would never talk to me. Just thinking about their disappointed looks forced me to acknowledge I couldnt and wouldnt ever go through with it.

The funeral party was small, me and terrence didnt go out much but there was someone there I thought I would never see again, my father. I had my answers finally. He had left us to get married to a woman who had apparently been his mistress for the last two years of my mums life and then the 7 months before he left us. When everybody had left I felt numb and if anybody else had told me that they were sorry for my loss or he was such a nice boy then I was going to scream. Walking into the kitchen my father was leaning against the counter as I came to a stop in the middle of the room his eyes focused on me and starting forward he launched into conversation about how he had found an amazing oppourtunity for me and that a car was waiting outside to take me to my future.

I woke up as the car jolted along another pothole in the road. Sorry Madam the driver said for the umpteenth time as I gave him the same reply as I had before Dont worry about it. At first I had tried to make conversation with him but he only gave short one word answers and no matter how many time I told him to just call me Lilia he continued to call me madam. After a while I stopped trying and just looked at him, he had solemn grey eyes with mud brown hair and quite a muscualer physique for a chaffeur. The next hour of mine was spent making up different scenarios in my head; maybe he was aecretly working fir MI5 or was a hired assassin. Either way my mind drifted and with that I must have fallen asleep for the next thing i remeber is him announcing that we had arrived at Duploint castle and that he would follow me in with my bags.

As i entered there was a sudden flash of movement as what seemed like hundreds of people in uniforms rushed around like headless chickens. A woman came up to me and introudced herself as charlotte and that if i would please follow her it would be explained as to what i was doing here.
My head span with the news of what I had been told. They couldnt be serious, it was such a ridiculous thought it scared ne. I had been told that I was here at the request of King Alpercian as a possible candidate for his son Prince Darian's wife. Sadly for me that was the normal part, the part I had an issue with was him telling me that his son was a vampire. I hadnt believed him so he had shown me something, I cant fully remember what but it had seemed as though his face was changing but before it was finished I saw black and welcomed its offer of numbness.

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