school system

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Okay, I don't think y'all get the school system in my country so imma explain it in the easiest way possible🤠

2-6-year-olds: kindergarten
Basically learning ABCs and stuff mostly playing🤠 also we don't get nap times 🤡

6-10-year-olds: primary school
Basically  1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade and 4th grade.
Basic stuff but it depends on what board of education you pick whether it's CBSE( central board of secondary education)
Or any other.

If you pick CBSE like moi you study stuff a grade higher than what people in other boards of education study.

(P.s: we don't get to pick our classes we have to study everything)

10-12-year-olds: Middle school

Absolutely horrible🤡
5,6,7th grade was cringe also somehow everyone has a lot of energy during these times ( it's more toxic than high school 🤠) this is probs the easiest time of studying

13-15-year-olds: high school

Drama to the max. 8,9,10th grade. This is when hell starts.
10th grade or sophomore year for you Americans🤠 is considered the GOD of all education grades like fuck ur mental health fuck everything else getting into a good college depends solely on this year.
Anything less than 90% won't get u into a good science field college but if ur taking art nvm.

10th grade is the year you have to give up everything just so ur not a disappointment to your entire family. The highest in my family for 10th grade is my oldest sister who got 89%.

16-18-year-olds: college
People say this is where you get the freedom of picking your classes. I THINK NOT. Because depending on the % u get you get to pick either of the three fields:
Commerce - marketing, banking economics and stuff like that. People consider it annoying because of the amount of maths

Science: *Asian parents squealing in the background*

This is a field considered the greatest because you take this field to become a doctor or an engineer and the honour and the prestige that comes with it. And don't forget the MONEY!!!!



this is what apparently "dumb kids" would take.
but it's obviously my fav cause it has the least amount of maths <3

University: optional for the ones that want to become a teacher🤡

And that Was the entire schooling system in my country summed up in less that 500 words🤡

What grade do u think I'm in?

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