Y'all I went to the dentist alone to get my wisdom tooth removed and I HATED EVER SECOND OF IT I NEVER WANT TO GO BACK AGAIN😭😭😭😭😭😭
my sister just left me there and was like : you'll be fine which was not the case and while the dude was removing the tooth it triggered a really bad anxiety attack and I had a mental breakdown while the tooth was being extracted 🤠 god am I embarrassed.
The dentist was trying to calm me down after and hes like, did you come with your sister? I just shook my head and he gave the nurse a look like : shit she came alone🤡
Anyways I couldn't spit only swallow (that's what she said 💀) for 24hrs and y'all I was in pain and on top of that I had to go register myself for my college entrance exam 🤡(junior and senior year for u Americans 🤠)
And I'm such a hypocrite 🤡 I was bitching about the science stream and ended up choosing that lmao I'm doing architecture 🤡
3AM thoughts :)
HumorEverything that goes on in my mind and probably yours too? idk. Just I hope you can relate somehow. Some might find it ridiculous listening to a 16 y/o talk as if they've been through ww1 and felt the shittiest of emotions but this is my daily life ...