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It's been a year into the apocalypse, we seem to be traveling through a rather... Empty field barely any zombies have shown.

Though it does help that we have silencers on our guns.

" You guys go find check out the house and I'll check the barn, if it's safe we stay here for a little while. If not, we leave. No trace left behind, got that? "

Fundy stated. Only sparing a glance at the other to see them nod their head in agreement.

" Good luck "

He ran away before he could hear their response.

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Thankfully due to his mother's genes, he got there faster than normal people.

He quickly took his dagger out of his thigh strap and snuck into the barn.

It was stable, to say the least, though that doesn't mean it's safe sadly.

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After checking out each stable, and climbing the ladder, trying his best to ignore the view( he failed miserably ) and checking up there for any sleeping bags as it seems it's just been recently deserted.

No luck sadly. But he did find seeds. So that's a win in his book.

He quickly climbed down the ladder and ran to the house carefully brushing through the field.

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He relaxed once he noticed the others sitting on the run-down steps seeming happy about something. He decided to just cut to the chase.

" So? Is it safe? Or do we have to keep moving? "

Dream seemed to beam as he faced the brunette.

" It's safe there are some food's left and the shower and fridge work so we got pretty lucky. "

Fundy fondly sighed.

" Good now let's see what we can do. "

He smiled at his lovers. Though at this point, he's trying not to get too attached.

" Dream you can go and plant the seeds in the garden I'll set up our stuff, George set up some sensors and barricade the lower floors window. Ima just gonna set up our stuff. "

" Ughhh, Why can't Dream do it??? He's stronger. "

Fundy scoffed.

" Don't you want to beat his record? Unless... You're admitting defeat? "

George sputtered as Dream tried to hide his laughter which he failed miserably at.


Fundy smirked

" Then prove it. And if you win, well. Name your price. "

Fundy smirked as he put his hands on his hips further showing he was confident the brit would lose.

George had his arms crossed and had a scowl on his face.

" If I win. I get to share the big bed with you. And! I don't get night watch. "

Fundy giggled.

" Deal. "

Dream stuttered as he comprehends what just happened.

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" Fundy! "

Fubdy instantly rushed to open the door, as whoever called him sounded tired and strained

Fundy unlocked the door opening it to see Dream?

" Is everything ok?! Why are you covered in dirt?? "

Fundy couldn't help but snicker as he saw dream wheeze, he didn't know if it was in laughter. But whatever.

" G-George... He... "

He huffed.

" He pushed me! "

Fubdy burst out laughing holding his stomach as he hunched over.

" W-what??? That's crazy! Why would he do that?? "

" Sabotage! "

Dream pointed.

Fundy took a deep breath as he stood back up.

" Really? Interesting... "

" Let's make a deal if you're able to distract George and... Let's say... Do his job faster I'll share the bed with you instead. Deal? "

Fundy smirked, resting his weight on the door to look even more innocent.

Dream beamed.

" Deal! "

And he was off running down the creaky run-down stairs to annoy the fuck out of George.

And that's how you trick your lovers into doing all the work.

*Dream Smp Oneshots*Where stories live. Discover now