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The membrane-shaped hunting net that tightened instantly wrapped Gu Qi tightly, and several fully equipped humans appeared on the otherwise uninhabited seabed border for a while.

Gu Qi's hands and fish tails were tied, and the outer layer was still wrapped in a thin layer.

His sickly body struggled immovably, and he could only watch a tall figure slowly swim in front of him. "Zi La. "

The film in front of him was torn open, and through the opening, the appearance of the male in front of him was clearly revealed.

The man had dark red hair, but his handsome and tough young face inexplicably contained some vicissitudes of life over the years, so that the scar across his right eye did not reveal a particularly obvious hostility, and his amber eyes looked at Gu Qi quietly. .

At the moment Gu Qi was surrounded, he had already coughed several times because of the shock.

A little blood in her chest cavity was coughed up and remained on her lips, and a few drops fell on her thin, snow-white chest.

The special-made dress worn on his body became wrinkled and displaced because of being bound tightly, revealing a tender white clavicle chest, and bright red blood dripped on the surface like bright red flowers blooming in the snow.

"You guys...cough, what are you doing..."

Gu Qi tried to shrink back, and asked in a dumb voice with some difficulty.

The man didn't speak, but glanced at the petite mermaid with white skin and red lips in front of him.

His dark and moist eyes looked like a lost lamb, dazed and helpless, inexplicably making people feel protective.

"Boss, who can't be wrong, although it looks like a newly born crystal scale and the detection is a bit weak, it does exist. "

An entourage next to him approached the red-haired man and handed the detector display result in his hand to the man.

The red-haired man glanced at it and didn't seem to look closely. "Take it away. "

Gu Qi was taken into a huge diving cabin parked behind a huge group of corals.

There were nearly ten well-dressed and armed men in the cabin who looked like they were descending from the land. People of the sea.

The red-haired man in a black cardigan, showing off his wheat-colored muscles, looked particularly casual in it.

"No identity information of this mermaid was detected. "As soon as the entourage sat down, they began to report to the red-haired man, "It should be easier to eliminate traces in the follow-up." "

"Duke Lijiang was the first to seek crystal scales from us. His wife has not shed her legs, and the scales in her body have degenerated more and more severely. "

"The Marquis Yuanma gave the highest price, but it is not clear what he wants to do with crystal scales. "

The entourage also said that they were interrupted by the red-haired man waving his hand.

"Go directly to the auction hall. "he said. The entourage was stunned: "The auction hall is mixed with fish and dragons. Boss, don't you always dislike it? "

The red-haired man looked straight ahead and moved his lips.

"His Royal Highness Yuan Dingchen, the future heir of Haiguo, will be there. "

...... After Ling Mu's week-long "confinement", Gu Qi has gradually become accustomed to facing various emergencies.

At this time, he leaned softly in the cabin and felt sleepy for a while.

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