The time just stopped

711 11 3

General POV
Today Taylor and Miranda will be filming the scene " you deserve a better man than me".

Taylor's POV
Me and Miranda have been dating for 3 years now and it's crazy how no one has found out yet.
Right now me and Miranda are waiting to go film the cabin scene in my trailer just talking and cuddling on the couch.
" How do you think the fans reaction will be to this scene?" Miranda asked
" I don't know. I think they will love it, I mean the fans are begging for Stellaride get back together so." I said showing her my phone with millions of request for Stellaride to get back together.
" Yeah, you are right. I totally forgot about the fans texts. But in my defense I was super busy talking to you so..."she said and then kissed me.

1 hour later

Miranda's POV
Me and Taylor were kissing when someone knocked on the trailer door.
" Taylor the scene starts in 5 minutes." We heard one of the producers saying.
"Copy that." Taylor yelled covering my ears.
" Ugh I guess that we will finish this later." I said " I don't like the fact that I have to go out side to the freezing Chicago night, when I can stay here cuddling with you in the cozy warm of your trailer."
"I know you don't want to get out of here, but at least we will be filming together." He said and then kissed my forehead.

2 hours later

General POV
The scene is done but the producers could not break the kiss. They have been yelling cut for 25 minutes but nothing.
"Hey pass me that bucket whit cold water." One of the producers said.

Taylor's POV
We were just kissing, just lost into each others, when there was this huge splash of cold water on top of us, which caused both of us scream from the scare and from the shock and obviously we stopped kissing. Fortunately for Miranda I was on top so she didn't got as much water as I got. Then we heard the hole crew laughing.
"Finally you guys stopped kissing. By the way the scene was over 25 minutes ago." One of the producers said.
I could see Miranda blushing and I could fell my self also blushing.
"I didn't hear anyone saying cut." We said at the same time.
"Well I see that you guys were so connected that you didn't care about what we were saying." Said one of the producers.
The crew did some more jokes about what just happened. And we finished for the day.

1 hour later

Miranda's POV
After we finished at the set me and Taylor went back to my house, showered, and now I was sitting on the countertop while Tay was finishing the dinner.
"It was just me or the time just stopped while we were filming the kiss in the end of the scene?" I said. Honestly I was just lost in Tay.
"Nope, it was not just you. I also felt that way. Honestly I was just lost in you." He said while thorning of the stove and putting the food in the plates, bringing them to the table. Oh my gosh he is so sweet.
"Well I was also lost in you." I said receiving a Kiss.

1 hour later

General POV
Taylor and Miranda were cuddling on the couch while watching a movie.
" Do you think we will get bombarded with questions when we arrive at the set tomorrow?" Miranda asked.
"I think that you already know the answer" Taylor said.
"Yes we will" They said at the same time, after that they just kissed.

I had to republish this chapter in order to solve some technical issues.
Sorry for any mistakes.
Hope you liked.

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