Are you really here????

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What if Kelly never stopped talking with Stella while he was in Alabama, what if he decided with Stella to go investigate that case in Arizona and also enroll in the national OFI investigator list. But after the case was closed, he decided to, kind of prank Stella, how would he do that you may be asking, well easy, by telling her the wrong day/date that he was coming back home.

Stella starts exiting the apparatus floor thinking about how in just a few days she would be able to be with her husband again, and how much she misses him.

When Kelly appears on the other side of the apparatus floor and starts calling her name, she stops dead on her tracks thinking that maybe she is just hearing things when Kelly calls her name again but this time his closer to her so she turns around and that is when she sees him for the first time in person since she visited him in Alabama.

When Stella sees him in front of her, she drops her shift bag and jumps in his arms wrapping her legs on his hips hugging him tightly, frontally Kelly was ready to catch his wife in his arms. After a while Stella gets of Kelly's hips kissing him passionately after the kiss broke.

Stella: I can't believe that you are really here, I thought that you were coming back after next shift.

Kelly: Well about that I wanted to surprise you so yea I told you a little white lie.

Stella: Well in that case I can't be mad at you.

Kelly: I knew it that you wouldn't be mad at me.

After that Kelly kissed Stella.

Kelly: Well, let's go home.

They went home and made up for the lost time in good old Stellaride fashion. Later at night they decided to go to Moly's and surprise everyone. As soon as they entered Moly's Herman was the first one to see them.

Herman: Look who it is. Stella told us that you would be here after next shift.

Kelly: Well, the case finished/closed sooner than expected so yea I decided to come home to my girl.

Around 2:AM Moly's closed and everyone went home.

Stellaride falling asleep cuddled up in each other's arms.

Sorry for any mistakes.
Hope you like it.


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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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