Family beach day

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Stella and Kelly have been married for 2 years and have an 8 months old daughter called Hazel Elizabeth Severide.

General POV

It's summer season and Stella and Kelly decided to take their daughter to the beach for the first time.

Stella's POV


I was asleep when I heard Hazel crying so I got up and went to get her.

In Hazel's room

"Good morning princess, did you sleep well." I said

"Mama, mama boob." Hazel said

"Well, I will take that as a yes." I said before picking Hazel up and siting down to feed her. When Hazel finished eating, I burped her and then changed her dipper and took her to our room.

In Stellaride's room

As soon as I walk in to our room, I see Kelly sound asleep on my side of the bed hugging my pillow.

"I guess daddy missed me" I said talking whit a sleeping baby in my arms.

I went to Kelly's side of the bed and laid Hazel in the middle of us.

Keley's POV


I woke up whit Hazel and Stella both coddle up to my side. 5 minutes after Stella started to wake up.

"Good morning beautiful." I said whispering.

"Good morning sunshine." She said also whispering

"Did she wake you up before." I asked

"Yes, she did at 5 something in the morning, and I breast feed her and change her dipper before bringing her." she said playing whit Hazel hair.

"I'm sorry baby for not helping whit her." I said felling guilty.

"Hey there's no need to be sorry babe, you help a lot during the night so its ok." she said.

"I know but..."

"No buts ok, and also you would have to wake me up because she wanted my milk and there is none on the fridge." She said.

"And why do you say that?" I asked

"Because when she saw me, she said "mama, mama bob" I mean if she didn't want my milk then I don't know." She said making both of us laugh which woke Hazel up.

"Ups. Its ok baby daddy is here." I said piking my crying daughter and siting against the headboard.

After a while she calmed down.

"Dada, dada." Hazel said.

"Hi princess." I said.

"Boob?" She asked pointing to my chest making me and Stella laugh.

"You want to eat?" Stella asked.

"BOOB, BOOB." Hazel yelled.

"Ok, ok princess there's no need to scream." Stella said picking Hazel up before feeding her.

General POV


Kelly, Stella and Hazel arrived to the beach. After laying out the beach towels, opening the sun hat and set up the baby tent, they sat down to play with Hazel.

"Hazel the sand taste good?" Stella said while both parents were laughing, and while she was trying to take the sand out of her daughter's mouth.


"Hazel, can you let daddy make a sand castle please?" Kelly asked after Hazel destroyed his castle several times.

"NO!" Hazel said and started to laugh and baby talking.

"Kelly let her play." Stella said who was watching her hubby and baby playing.

After a while they decided to go to the water.

"Let's go to the water princess?" Kelly asked picking up his daughter covered in sand.

"Dada waer?" Hazel asked.

"Yes water" Kelly answered putting the floater on her.

"Babe can you be the one to take Haze to the water please?" Stella asked.

"Yes, I can but why?" Kelley asked.

"It's just because I want to film her reaction to the water." Stella said, not wanting to get sand all over herself.

"I'm going to pretend that I believe in that." Kelly said eying Stella.

"Believe in what? It's the true." Stella said.

"Ok if you say so, but we both know that you don't want to get sand all over yourself." Kelly said.

"Ok yah I don't want to get sand all over myself, but I also want to film Hazel's reaction to the ocean." Stella said.

"Ok then let's go?" Kelly asked his wife while picking up his daughter.

"Yah lets go." Stella answered her hubby while putting her phone in a water proof case.

When they got close to the water, they sat down with Hazel close to the waterside. Hazel started splashing the water from where she was sitting on her dad's lap.

"Haze, do you like the water?" Kelly asked seeing his daughter so happy splashing the water.

"I think she likes it babe." Stella said while watching her daughter in an awe while she was filming.

After a bit Stella went to put her phone in the backpack and covered it back whit one of the beach towels, and went to join her family in the water. When she arrived to the water, she saw her hubby throwing her daughter in the air and picking her and throwing her again.

"Kelly please be careful with her." Stella said.

"Babe relax ok you know that I'm always careful with her." Kelly said and after kissed both girls on the forehead.

"Mama, mama." Hazel said reaching her hands for Stella to pike her up.

"Oh, looks like someone wants mommy now. Come here baby girl." Stella said picking Hazel up from her hubby.

They stayed in the water for a while and then went back to the towels. After some time, Hazel was playing in front of her parents in her baby tent with her toys.

"Mama, mama boob." Hazel said while crawling towards her mom.

Stella picked her up and covered herself up while she feed Hazel.

"Hey babe it's 11:30." Kelly said.

"Ok let me just finish feeding her and I will help you packing our things up." Stella said.

"Don't worry babe let her eat, I will pack our things up." Kelly said, kissed Stella's lips and forehead and started folding the baby tent and picking up all of Hazel's toys with help from Stella.

After 20 minutes they had everything packed up and, on the trunk, and they were ready to go back home. Kelly put a sleeping Hazel one her car seat being careful to not wake her up. Both parents got in the car and Kelly started the car and drove to their house. When they arrived home, they put Hazel on her crib to continue her nap and put away all of the things they brought to the beach. After everything was storage, they crashed on the couch, and felt asleep all cuddle up while watching tv. 

Hope you liked.
Sorry for any mistakes.

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