.04- wish you were sober

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"Hey Nick?" I asked, walking over to him showing him an invitation on my phone for a party happening nearby, "Wanna go?"

"I'm always down for a party," he replies. "Did you ask Matt and Chris if they want to go?"

"Oh yeah." I turned and ran upstairs to Chris's room where the two boys were playing video games.

"Do you guys want to go to a party?" I asked.

"Sure" Matt replies, Chris nodding his head in agreement.

"Ok I'll be ready in about an hour, so can you just get me from my place?"

"Yeah for sure" Matt says, continuing the game the two were playing.

I begin to walk back to my house doing a little happy dance on the way. I hadn't been to a party since before Hudson and I started dating. Once I got home I took a shower and curled my hair and slipped into a pink silk dress and heels. I applied some makeup then I got a text from Matt letting me know that they were there.

I grabbed my bag and paused to see Addie standing behind me.

"Wait for me!" She called out, slipping into some heels.

"You're going to the party?" I questioned, closing the door.

"Why wouldn't I go?" she questioned me.

Addie was a party animal, no doubt. She's been going to parties for as long as I can remember but hadn't gone in a while due to a falling out she had with her friends.

"Ok hurry up, the boys are waiting." I told her, as I walked outside towards the van.

Soon after I was followed by Addie and we drove off. Before heading to the party we picked up Jayde, who was wearing a short black dress, gold heels, and her gold necklace that had a 'C' for Chris dangling from the chain.

Matt dropped us off at the end of the driveway while he parked the car. Everyone else walked into the house that was overflowing with teens holding red solo cups and dancing to the loud music that played. I decided to wait for Matt.

"Hey are you ok?" Matt said, looking over at me.

"Yeah I'm all good. Just waiting for you." I said, smiling at the boy.

He grabbed my hand and we walked into the party together. As we walked through groups of people looking for our friends, I heard whispers about me and Matt. Did people really think I cheated on Hudson?

Once we found our friends Nick handed me a shot glass.

"What is this?" I asked him.

"Liquid courage," he said laughing "Just kidding! It's Vodka."

I nodded my head and drank it.

This was going to be a long night.

nicolas.sturniolo added to their story!

After about an hour, I'm out on the dance floor, holding a drink in my hand without a care in the world

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After about an hour, I'm out on the dance floor, holding a drink in my hand without a care in the world. I feel arms wrap around my waist and we sway to the beat. After the song ends I giggle.

"That was fun Matty B." I say with extremely slurred speech.

"Matty B?" the guy answers

"Matt, stop joking around, I know it's you."

"Bella why the fuck would this be Matt?"

"Because I came here with Matt?"

"I can't believe you!" the man yells at me.

"Don't yell at me." I reply calmly. Beginning to walk away, with my back still to him.

"Bella I can't believe that you've actually been cheating on me our whole relationship!"

"Go away Hudson." I hear someone say.

"What are you going to do about it?

"Nothing, but you can't talk to her like that. Much less anyone else."

"Hi Matt!" I wave at my friend, who looked way cuter than he did before. Maybe it was the drinks talking. Or was it?

"Hi Bella," he smiled at me, "But I won't let you talk to her like that."

I eventually grow tired for the two guys arguing over me and wandered over to the bar area. I do some shots, drink a White Claw or two... or three.

"Bella let's go." Matt says grabbing my hand.

"I don't want to leave." I said, digging my heels into the ground like a toddler.

"Bella, we have to leave." He said throwing me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!"


Apparently, Nick, Chris, Jayde, and Addie had already gone home, so it was just me and Matt.

"Do you want to listen to music?" he asked me.


"Why? We always listen to music."

"I want to talk to you."

"About?" he replied, putting the car into park again.

"Matt, I've liked you since we were 7 years old and haven't gotten the guts to tell you but with me telling you right now I hope that doesn't change anything within our friendship which is one of the greatest things in my life besides your brothers and my fuzzy sock collection." I blurted out, my face turning bright red.

"Bella, I'm flattered. But you're wasted right now. I have to get you home."

Why'd he say that?

my best friends brother // matt sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now