.31- this side of paradise

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9 years ago

"WHAT THE FUCK CHRIS?!" Bella screamed.

"I'm sorry! I didn't try to!" He ran down the stairs to see the girl crying on the floor.

"Why'd you leave a bag of doritos on the stairs?!"

"I didn't think someone would be dumb enough to step on it!"

"It shouldn't have been there!"

"Bella please calm down."

"Why should I?! You could have killed me!"

"Bella! Shut up!"


"I'm going to carry you to the car and you need to be quiet."

"What the fuck do you mean?" The girl questioned her friend who was staring at her ankle.

"Don't look at your ankle."

"Why?" She immediately looks at her ankle and starts screaming.

"I said don't look!"

"That makes me want to look!"

"Matt we need to go to the hospital!"

Matt runs down the stairs, "Why- HOLY FUCK!"

Bella starts crying.

"Don't cry, don't cry." Chris rubs her face and she smacks his hand away from her face.

"Nick we're going somewhere!"

"I want to come with!"

"Get mom too!"


"Bella needs to go to the hospital."


"Because she has to go to the hospital."


"Just get mom!" Chris yells.

"Here give me her." Matt says holding his arms out.

Chris places Bella in Matt's arms and he carry's me out to the car.

"I'll sit with you." Matt says setting the girl in the seat and then crawling in after her, gently picking up her leg and resting her ankle on his lap.

We drive to the hospital and once we get there, Chris grabs a wheelchair and brings her inside.

She gets X-Rays and end up having 2 breaks.

"I'll never forgive you Chris." Bella states.


"Because this is your fault."


bellaryan chris is my least favorite person rn tagged: christopher

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bellaryan chris is my least favorite person rn
tagged: christopher.sturniolo

christopher.sturniolo i said i'm sorry

matthew.sturniolo doritos bag: 1, bella: 0
bellaryan literally die

username oh no!

username she just wants attention🙄

"Bella let me help you." Matt says to the girl holding his hands out to help her.

"Thank you Matthew."

"Chris go to your room." Marylou says to him.


"Because you broke Bella's ankle. So go to your room."

"This isn't fair!"

"It is. I can't walk normally until January."

Matt walks Bella to the couch and makes sure she's comfortable.

"You also kinda ruined her birthday."

Bella's 16th birthday was a week away and it hadn't dawned on her that she would be in a cast for her sweet 16 party.

"Chris you bitch! You ruined everything!" She starts throwing pillows at him until Matt stops her.

"Bella calm down." Matt whispers to her.

"I can't! He ruined my birthday! I cant even take my drivers test." She starts crying.

"Chris, Nick, go upstairs. Matt you and Bella stay here I'll be right back I'm running to the store."

"Why do I have to go upstairs?" Nick asks.

"To hang out with Chris."

Nick and Chris walk up the stairs while Matt and Bella stay on the couch.

"Don't cry please." Matt tucks Bella's hair behind her ear.

"I want to cry."

"You don't need to cry."

"But I want to cry."

Without hesitating, Matt leans forward and kisses the girl.

"If you keep crying I'll kiss you again."

"Then I'm not going to stop crying."

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