.33- ruin my life

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I sat at a mirror and stared back at a woman with curls in her hair and bright red lipstick on.

"Bella you have to get your dress on." Jayde walked over to me and gently touched my shoulder.

I let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?" Addie says joining us at the vanity.

"Nothing. Just nervous." I shrugged.

I spun the chair around and walked towards the white gown hanging from the balcony curtain rod.

"Everything will be fine." Addie says pulling the dress down.

"I know."

They help me into my dress and someone knocks on the door.

"Hey guys!" Grace says peeking into the room, "Matt's in position so you guys can talk before. I wanted to get some pictures."

"Okay, let me get my shoes on." I say slipping on the white rhinestoned heels.

The girls lead me to a door and I could hear Matt and Chris talking on one side.

"Ok Bella, stand here." Grace points at a side so Matt and I are back to back.

"Hi Matt." I reach for his hand and wait for our hands to interlock.

"Hi Bella." I could tell he was nervous just from how he was moving around.

We talked for a bit while Grace took pictures of us.

"Ok Bella, Nick, Chris, and the other groomsmen are ready for the first look with them." Addie grabs my hand and I walk away from where Matt was.

"Bye Matt!"

I walk outside to a garden to see all of the groomsmen standing with their backs to me.

"Ok turn around." I say to the 6 groomsmen.

They all turn around and start jumping and screaming.

Chris and Nick run up and engulf me in a hug.

"You look amazing!" Nick squeals.

"I think they broke you. Usually you look a little... ugly?"

I threw a punch into his shoulder.

"Clearly they didn't change anything for you because you still look like an idiot."

We all laughed and eventually, it was time for the ceremony.

The music starts playing and then the doors swing open to reveal me, and my mom.

As we're walking I look up and make eye contact with Matt.

Big mistake.

He had tears rolling down his cheeks but kept a smile. He mouthed the words you look gorgeous to me and my knees practically gave out.

How was I so lucky?

I reach the end of the isle and Matt takes my hand.

We go through the ceremony until it's time for vows.

"Hi," Matt breathes out, "From the moment Chris told us that he had a new friend he met at school, I knew that you would be sticking by my side forever. Chris had a lisp so when he said 'Her name is Isabella' I honestly thought he was saying 'Her name is Isathella' and I thought, weird who names their kid Isathella."

I laughed.

"But that's beside the point. Bella, through the countless fights you've had with Chris, I've always sided with you. But we have been through so much together and I can't wait to see what the world has in store for us next. I love you so much."

I wiped the tear from my eye.

"I hate you because now I'm crying. But anyways, hi. When I met you, I hated you. But no in a bad way. I hated you because I wanted to be with you. Six year old me was a little bit skeptical about becoming friends with Chris because he had cooties, and probably still does. I had a huge fat crush on you and hid it until our senior year. But in the best way possible, I want you to ruin my life, and fuck up my nights. I love you so much Matthew."

Matt smiled at me and I felt the whole world stopped when we looked at each other.

"Before I continue, does anyone object to this union? Speak now, or forever hold your peace." the officiant spoke.

The room was silent.

I sigh of relief left my mouth.

"I object!"

authors note:
last chap coming soon💔 now go read backyard boy!

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