Chapter 13

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*Kim's POV*

I woke up and saw V in the detention room.

"Y-you're here too?" I asked him then he nodded and smirked. He looks like a pervert I swear.

I looked around and noticed that Suga isn't here anymore. I looked at V and when we had an eye contact, he walked towards me then pushed me through the wall and trapped me with his arms. My heartbeat changed. It's so loud and fast.

"Wh-where's Suga?" I asked.

He didn't answer me. Instead, HE KISSED ME ON THE LIPS?!?

I gasped then woke up???

*Sighs* Thank God it was just a dream. I mean a nightmare.

WHY AM I EVEN DREAMING ABOUT HIM?!? Ewwwww! I wanna vomit.

I looked at Suga and he's asleep. Lol. His eyes looks the same. Asleep or not it's too small. :D

I looked at the time and It's 10 minutes left till this is over. I then n-noticed that..... SUGA IS HOLDING MY LEGS?!?!? WTF!!!

I took a deep breath then moved away from him slowly so I won't wake him. Don't tell me his hands were there the whole time or I'll punch him in his.... Face.

He moved finding a comfortable position when he suddenly bumped himself on the floor and woke up.

"Hahahahahahahaha." I bursted out into laughter seeing the whole scene.

"You're so bad. Apayo!! Very Much!!!" He said while holding the spot where he bumped.

"Hahahahahahaha. Sorry, I can't help it." I said while wiping my tears.

He pouted then smirked.

"W-what are you p-planning?"

"Actually, I died here 2 years ago. But I still go back here everytime a student is alone.Wanna know why I died?"

Fuck. This is as creepy as hell.

"Y-you're.... K-kidding right?" I asked in a shaking voice.

He then walked towards me and said...

"Ask the other students." Then he glared at me creepily.

"AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" I exclaimed then the door opened.

I looked at the door and it was Jimin, J-hope and Sandy.

"Suga hyung!!! What did you do?!?" J-hope said while looking at Suga confusely.

Jimin then ran to me..

"What did he do to you Kim? Why are your lips so pale?" Jimin said while searching for wounds and frowning.

Suga then bursted into laughter.. Asshole.

"I've got some swag yo!" Suga the bitch exclaimed then exited the room.

"ASSHOLE!!!" I shouted making sure that he could hear it.

We went to the canteen since it's our break.

"What did Suga do to you? J-Hope and Jimin were really worried about you since they told me that Suga is a pervert." Sandy said after drinking some tea.

"R-really? He's a pervert? Well, I didn't n-notice it." Yeah, I didn't. HE WAS JUST HOLDING MY LEGS THE WHOLE TIME I WAS SLEEPING. I just hope he didn't do anything to me when I was asleep.

"What did he do then? You just scare the hell out of me. I thought you were being raped." She chuckled.

"And you're happy about that? Well, I don't wanna talk about it."

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