Chapter 11

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*Kim's POV*

Horsey and I went to the canteen and took a seat there.

"So what do you want to eat now Kikimomo?"

WTF. Kikimomo?!? Seriously Horsey?!?

"Hey you're not fair! I gave you a good name! And where did Kikimomo came from anyway?!?"

"Not fair?!? Good name?!? Is Horsey a good name?"

"Well, for me? Yeah. It's kinda cute." *smiles*

"So I'm cute?" Conceded much?!?

"No. The name is cute."

"Okay then. Kikimomo is cute for me too."

"It's too long."

"No it's not."

"When did you even envent that?!?"

"A while ago. While walking." He stated while grabbing the back of his fucking perfect neck. When did I even start to become byuntae?!?

"Why Kikimomo?" I asked.

"Why Horsey?" He asked back.

"Cause it's kinda similar to Hoseok? Then why Kikimomo?"

"Cause it has Kim on it. You know..... Ki-kim-omo." He jokingly replied.

What is wrong with your brain Hoseok?!? Kikimomo?!? Seriously?!? Do all horses think like that?!? Just kidding.

*A moment of silence*

"So, what do you wanna eat? Kikimomo."

"Aahhh.... It was just a joke Horsey. I'm not hungry."

"Come on. You're missing a lifetime opportunity. I have lots of money *Opens his wallet and faced it to me* See?"

Damn. I see a lot of money. Can I have all of that?

"Ummm... No thank you. It's already time for the next subject anyway."

"Okay. Then just later? You know... Break? With BTS?"

You're kidding right?!?

"Ah... No thank you. I'm gonna eat with Sandy later."

"Oh, okay. So let's go inside now?"

"You go. I have to go to the restroom first."

"Okay, hurry. The bell is about to ring very soon and our next teacher is a brutal one. When you're late for her subject or cut class or answer her or not pass homework or project, you're gonna have detention."

"Jinja?!? And you're still planning to buy foods?"

"Well, if it's you who I'll be with in a detention room then why not?" He said then smiled. Fuck my heartbeat changed.

"Huh? Hahaha. Nice joke Horsey. Now I'll go or I'll get a detention. Bye! And btw, thanks for the info Horsey!"

I then ran as fast as I can to the restroom cause I really gotta pee and the restroom is a bit far from our room so I'm in trouble. I checked the time and it's 2 minutes left till the next subject. Shit.

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