Chapter 9

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The students are already arriving one by one till the school is almost full...

"Kim! What time did you arrive? You really mean it when you said that you'll come here early huh?" Sandy said from my back.

"Of course! Well, I arrived here at maybe 6:00? Btw, why do you look like you're not so happy?"

"Because one of the members of BTS is absent but I'm sure that you don't mind cause you dont give a fuck about them."

Honestly, you're right. I don't give a shit. What is so sad about that? You know ILY Sandy but your problem just doesn't make any sense.

"Ummm. Yeah."

Joy: "Heyaaahhh!"

Sandy: "Joy*to the world*! Taehyung is absent. I hope he's okay. :'("

Joy: "No he's not-"

Sandy: "HE'S NOT OKAY?!? WHAT HAPPENED?!? Asdfghjkllkjhgfds-"

Joy: "Chill Sandy. I was just going to say that he's not absent."

Sandy: "Jinja??? But he did not ride the bus."

Joy: "Maybe he's just late cause I swear I saw him earlier."

What should I do? I can't relate with them *cries pacific ocean*

Sandy: "Okay. I'm glad he's okay. :') What are you doing?!?" Sandy asked Joy cause she's looking for her bag for something and sge looks like she's gonna cry.

Joy: "Wtf! I left my phone at home. Shit! I should go get it but I'm gonna be late. Okay. I should go get it. Talk to you later!" Runs off like a horse.

BTS entered the room wi..... with.... th-that.... b-boy *gulps* earlier?? Is he one of th-them???

We had an eye contact with each other then I instantly felt the awkwardness between us. He looked away immediately and so as I. He must be embarrassed for what he had done earlier. He better be...

"Ummm... Wh-who's that?" I asked Sandy while pointing at that guy earlier.

"That's Taehyung... V for short. Wait.... Do you like him??? Yieee!"

*I rolled my eyes on her but smiled a bit.* "NO. In fact, I hate him. A lot...."

"Seriously Kim?!? Everyone loves him even though he's a cassanova. His longest girlfriend is for about 2 hours and the shortest is 5 seconds. What did he even do to you for you to hate him in an instant?"

"Well, now I hate him even more. He did not do something... I just hate his face."

"Who are you kidding Kim? I know you. You just don't instantly put hate on people unless he/she has done something you don't like? So now tell me, what did he do to you???"

"Ummm.. I told you. I just hate his face."


"Okay okay. You know this morning asdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyu-"

"What?!? Wait... I couldn't catch up. Slow down."

How am I going to tell her this that he almost kissed me?!? She's gonna be "Yieeee! Yieeeee." All around again.

"Ummm... Cause you know...... This morning he hugged me then he almost kissed me but I pushed him away so nothing happened." I said rapidly.

"HE WHAT?!?"

"You heard me..."

"D-did.... you j-just said that h-he almost ki-kissed you?"

"Yep. But he said that he thought I was someone else so it doesn't really matter but what really matter is he ALMOST STOLE MY FIRST KISS!!! So now I think he's a total bullshit."

"And he almost lost his first kiss to you too."

"You're kidding right? I thought he's a cassa-"

"I know! But he never kisses anyone. He said that It's reserved. You're so lucky! If I were you, I should have probably stole it."

"RESERVED?!? LUCKY?!? What are you talking about?!?"

"I know that it's crazy but it's real. Look at him. He's so cute... But you know.... RapMon is more fab so I like him more than any of the members."

He's really cute. As cute as a shit. I want to flush him...

Just kidding. No seriously. I personally think that he's cute cause he looks like Baek but I also think that he's a shit so....

He looked at me then he caught me staring at him then I looked away immediately. I looked at him again after that but he just looked away and smiled a bit.

"Kim! You're blushing! :')" Sandy just then said in the middle of no where...

"What?!? No!"

Ew. Why do I feel different. My heart is beating so loud. Shhhhhh. Stop. Ew you're so disguisting.

"Yieeee! You like him?"

"For the last time... No."

"So that means that that's the last time you'll say no and if I ask you again your answer will be yes?"

"WTF Sandy. Get out of my sight." She makes sense though.

"Who is your crush? Do I have to ask that? Of course your answer is V." She teased me.

"Oh shut up."

"I ship you now. TaeKim?"

"No. Just shut up okay?"

"Kriiiiiing!" Yay. She can't bother me anymore.


An: Mianhe again if this update is late. It's because I was busy for EXO's comeback. Sorry again. I'll update as soon as possible. Btw, who's an EXO-L here??? You feel me right??? After almost a year finally. I'm a multi fandom so.... Yeah...

Thank you again for reading and voting and commenting on the previous chapters! Saranghae everyone! :*

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