A strange meeting

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      May woke to the sound of a carriage outside, with the movement of footfall, and she thought it was wonderful

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May woke to the sound of a carriage outside, with the movement of footfall, and she thought it was wonderful. Nothing that she had experienced before. Despite how it sounded she really did like it and her sleep was restful. She relished that she had slept through dinner and felt terrible, only just arriving and already being absent. As soon as she had the thought Ms Parker came striding into her room with a maid. "Oh good, your awake. Sorry for my interruption, but I thought Jane could help you get dressed. If that's alright with you?" She seemed so keen yet un-shore. As if her kindness would scare May away.

"You did not have to Ms, really I could have dressed myself." It was true she could dress herself, but she was also slightly worried that this Jane would want to handle her hair.

"No no nonsense I'm sustain your a capable young lady, but a helping hand or two can't hurt every now and then, when one finds one offered."

May mulled over what Ms Parker had said before replying, "Thank you most graciously Ms Parker for your true kindness and hospitality."

"Oh no, no need for thanks, and please dear call me Mary. If i may call you May, most likely Ms May. If you don't mind?" Again she expressed this with a contradicting awkward elegance. As she delivered her words with such a kindness, but her face seemed to deliver the message that she was unsure how her statement would be received.

"I will try Ms.. sorry Mary. And of course be free to call me whatever suits your fancy. My family even calls me Mj, you may call me that if you would like. Please excuse me if I'm being too familiar."

"Oh no dear, Mj? That's lovely. If it may please you, I may call you Mj upon occasion." She took a pause before adverting her eyes from May's and said, "I best be off then, I'll see you downstairs when your ready. Tom has planned a picnic up at the beach for us all." With that she smiled and left.

As the Parkers and May proceeded to the beach, May found herself dragged each arm by the Parker children. She did not mind and in some way it reminded her of being at home. That is how the majority of the Parkers made her feel, although the same could not be said for the young Mr Sidney Parker, who she seemed to feel quite indifferent about. The gracious Mr and Ms Parker or Tom and Mary as they wished to be called, however made her feel quite warm and as though she was a esteemed guessed or a relative. Although only knowing them three days and not proper ones at that she felt what could only be described as welcomed.

As the children pulled her along they seemed to settle her beside Mr Sidney, who was ahead of the group, and then run of to chase each other down the beach. At that Mary shouted for them to not go to far, but left her shouting with a smile. May could not find it in herself to display the same elegant smile, she simply looked forward at the scenery in front of her. Despite her own judgement she turned from the peaceful scenery placed out in front of her, to the seemingly irritated Mr Sydney Parker. Who's irritation could be seen by the flex in his jaw, and May knew this was due to her as he turned to look at her through the corner of his eyes, not bothering to turn his head the full way. At there eyes meeting May quickly turned her head back to the scenery. Which a seemingly forced out huff of breath he turned to May, "Ms Warwick was it?"

This address took her by surprise, his tone whilst doing so did not, "Yes Mr Parker, I'm Ms May James Warwick. It is nice to properly meet you. Mary speaks highly of you." At this he turned to her and raised a brow. Although she was not sure what in her polite exchange caused him to do so.

"And what does... Mary say of me." At that she realised what his earlier face was for. Her address of Ms Parker as Mary. Something he seemed to look at with distaste.

"Well Mary-" she started with a soft smile, and an emphasis on the word Mary, "has truthfully only spoken of you breathily, but has made great remarks of what a wonderful brother you are to Mr Parker, or Tom as he wishes me to call him." The last part of her sentence being said to finalise the remark the young Mr Parker made earlier.

Mr Sydney let out another huff as he turned his attention back to the sands they walked along. "So you've enchanted my brother and his wife then." He stated gruffly.

"I suppose so." May responded quickly. This seemed to not be the response Sydney expected as he turned his head to May and quirked a brow. He opened his mouth as if to speak with his brows scrunched together, preparing himself for a question, and then he stoped. This made May give him a questioning look. Now in the silence she nodded her head as if gesturing him to continue.

He seemed to translate the understanding of her gesture and with that he opened his mouth once again, only then noticing that the two had stoped. With this he started walking again, May following in suit as he asked his question, "your names Warwick, you wouldn't perhaps be the daughter of the Aires's Ms Warwick from Africa?" At this May looked at Sydney quite shocked. Her family were well known no doubt, but she did not think that the likes of 'Mr Sydney Parker' would know of her family. At her silence Sydney continue, "I'm visiting on business you see. I mainly work in London and I work with well connected people. In my business one of the well know benefactors is one Ms Warwick, who is the talk of many."

With his quite honestly uninteresting speech finish May gave a simple response. One which she hoped would not lead to too many questions about her family being asked, "Yes I am the daughter of the such woman you speak." With this curt response she hoped to end the conversation.

" how interesting I've heard she is an eloquently spoken woman a trait which must have been lost on you." Sydney said swiftly with his monotone voice.

At this rude remark May placed herself in front of Sydney, "Please excuse me sir, but I don't know what I have done to cause you to dislike me so, you barely know me yet make acute judgements on me based on very little understanding of me. I will not stand here as you berate me as if I were worth the dirt on your shoe. Now I have tried to think of reasons for your clear distain for me since the moment we met mere hours ago, and the only logical point I find myself at is that your dislike of me has to do with the colour of my skin. Which I find bizarre as you seem to regard my mother with such respect" At her words Sydney face took on an expression of disgust which morphed into a red hot face of anger.

"How dare you accuse me of such prejudice. I do not hold distain for you because of your skin. Is it so hard to believe that I simply do not like you Miss Warwick. That I think you tarnish your family's reputable name with your acts of hasty ness and unruly nature." At this Sydney concluded the conversation as he stormed of, diverting from the path the group were taking on the beach.

At his explanation May let out a huff of her own as she continued on the path of the beach by herself. As Mr and Ms Parker promenaded not so far behind her.

Alright so 1353 words.
Sorry no 11 yet, but this is a DW ff so they will meet at some point I'm just setting up May at Sanditon before we start with the time trailing and potentially flirting. Omg can you imagine them flirting it's gonna be so difficult. I mean I barely know how to flirt myself.
Anyway none is probably reading this, but if you are please comment and help me along.
Sorry for the really long update times. I know I'm terrible.
Anyways lators gators

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