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Here is some fun stuff that might come up

Sydney after he realises he's an idiot and that he needed to let people in

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Sydney after he realises he's an idiot and that he needed to let people in.
In short he sees May at a ball

Sydney happy that he made May nervous yet realises that he is naked

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Sydney happy that he made May nervous yet realises that he is naked.
Also a bit of a revelation for May

Sydney yet again being proud of himself for making May flustered

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Sydney yet again being proud of himself for making May flustered

Sydney yet again being proud of himself for making May flustered

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Sydney not being impressed with the doctor

The doctor happy that Sydney is finally respecting May, and realising that Sydney has a crush on May

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The doctor happy that Sydney is finally respecting May, and realising that Sydney has a crush on May

The doctor happy that Sydney is finally respecting May, and realising that Sydney has a crush on May

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The Doctor relishing he fancies the hell out of May

The Doctor enthusiastic introducing modern music to May

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The Doctor enthusiastic introducing modern music to May

The Doctor enthusiastic introducing modern music to May

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The Doctor being cute

The Doctor trying to impress May, but just doing something really stupid

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The Doctor trying to impress May, but just doing something really stupid

The Doctor trying to impress May, but just doing something really stupid

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May just being done with peoples judgements

May just being done with peoples judgements

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May telling Sydney off for being.. well Sydney

Sorry there's not more gifs of are main lady, but there isn't a huge variety of Anna Shaffer gifs unfortunately. Especially not a lot of happy ones which isn't great as she's described as a caring and overall happy character. I could change the face claim, but I barely see Anna anywhere and I've never seen her used as a face claim, but she's got such a beautiful face so I thought I'd use her.
Thanks guys

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