Strange Men

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After her disgruntled conversation with the young Mr Parker, May decided to go off on a stride of her own. Puffing out large breaths of anger. For how could this man truly judge her. Her character, her moral and her reputation when he had barely met her, What exactly was he placing this opinion on, and how dare he unjustly shout at her, she thought. Maybe what she said about her race was out of a hasty mind and from leaps to conclusions, but he did no good to disprove these accusations, by his outburst. And so in this flurry of anger she briskly walked on, not looking anywhere in particular to absorbed in her argument from moments ago. Due to this she did not notice that she had walked far beyond the group now, finally reaching up to the children that had sprinted off earlier.

Noticing her in their eye lines the children called out for her welcoming her over to their new friend they had just made. After hearing the children's calls she hastily rose her head and rushed over to them, not fully taking in the tone of their voices, and so perceiving them to be in danger. As she rushed over she took notice that a tallish man was standing nears them. This only hastened her. " Miss May look he has a kite, its brilliant", said by bone over the children while another said "Look Mr Smith its Miss May. The one i was telling you about!" Enthusiastically.

May was overload with the children speaking over one another such a short while after she had just been indulging the thoughts in her head. So she plastered on a polite smile to the gentlemen, who was revelled to be called Mr Smith. The Do- Mr Smith could see that although she had a graceful and kind polite smile that the woman before him was a little lost in her own thoughts and so introduced himself. "Hello I've heard a little lot about you. I was trying to fly my kite you see, but I couldn't get it quite right so (idk what there names are I've looked, but it doesn't say. I can't remember if I gave them names so if you just wanna insert your own you can) offered to help me out, so yer that's the gist of things, ooo gist I like that word. Gist, gist, gist, GiSt-" At his ramble May's polite smile transitioned into a genuine one where her teeth were almost spilling out of her mouth, as she tried to stop herself from beaming at this strange man. Noticing this look Mr Smith abruptly stoped his ramble and stuck his had out proclaiming politely, "Hi, I'm Mr John Smith."

In reply May took his had, and he tugged both of there arms up and down ferociously as she said, "May James Warwick, pleasure to meet you." And she meant it. Despite the way this strange man was enthusiastically shaking her hand. "Sorry to be impertinent, but did you say you had a kite?" She asked in interest.

"Well yes-"

"Oh MJ children there you are." Mary interrupted, and Tom could be heard muttering, "who the bloody gasts is MJ?"

"Oh yes sorry Ms Parker-" May began to say before she was given a look "-Mary? I found myself entertained by my own thoughts until I heard the children and met Mr Smith over here."

Mr Smith took this as his cue to introduce himself once again, " Hello, Mr John Smith. Pleasure to meet you. You have wonderful children, they sorted my kite right out." Holding his kite up to show them the item of interest.

"Ah yes the children do love a kite. I think it go so well with the sea." Mary said

"Well welcome to Sanditon, I'm Mr Tom Parker, architect. What has brought you to are wonderful developing sea side town. Travelling through? Thinking of perusing?" Tom regaled of as if he was despite to make very conversation of his a business transaction.

" Uhh lovely to meet you, how interesting, and yes, and perhaps. Seems a nice place." John replied back at the same pace as Tom.

"So just looking then? Well that means we could still persuade you to say. Very good." Tom

"Mr Smith you must join us on are promenade." Mary added politely

"Oh I din't know- well I mean if you insist. Tally ho. Ooo no not saying that." He said as with a wave of his arms.

And so the Parkers, May, and Mr Smith carried on walking over the beach. Until the Parkers stated that it was getting late and so invited Mr Smith to tea. (Must have liked him)


Hi sorry I know I'm terrible. But I'm back. Kind of. I know this is terrible, but its what I've got sooooooo. I know not the greatest first meeting. I'll probe edit it at another time, but for now I'm just trying to get the story moving. Hopefully next chapter won't feel as stiff. And yes he will be referred to as John or Mr Smith untill May knows him as the Doctor, just for continuity reasons. By guys :)

This is terrible, sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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