14 | broken

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I let out a hiss of pain as Beestripe slaps a poultice of marigold onto my wounds. "Hold still!" She snaps as she scoops out another paw full of poultice.

"That would be nice if they didn't sting," I growled, unsheathing my claws and sinking them into the soft, wet ground. Beestripe paused and gave an irritated glance.

"You survived the battle with these wounds haven't you? And the days before when you came into my den with wounds?" She pointed out. "So I don't see why you need to complain. Shut your mouth and let me finish."

My shoulders stiffen slightly but I stayed quiet, not wanting to get my ears more slashed by Beestripe. I sat still and silently kept the complaints to myself. After a while, she stepped back an examined my wounds.

"Perfect," she mewed. "Now, that wasn't so hard was it? Off you go." She flicked her tail at me and nodded me at the mouth of the den. I gave her my thanks and padded out into the open. My paws hit the wet ground as I made my way over to Nightpaw and Smokepaw—my siblings. They were talking in hushed tones then perked up when they saw me.

"Thornpaw!" Nightpaw exclaimed. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alive you know that right?" I meowed and sat down, giving them both an odd look.

"Well a few days ago, I thought you weren't," Smokepaw retorted. Her eyes then grew round. "You don't understand how guilty we felt when you arrived all bloody and bruised."

I stared at both my of my sisters surprised that they were even feeling such way. It's not their fault I was in a border patrol and ended up being attacked by rouges. I mean, being an apprentice means learning and honing your skills for such events like these, right? I came back—yeah bruised—but I came back.

"It's not your fault," I assured and blinked at them both gratefully They both stared at me back, the same worried and guilt looks. I continued, hoping that they would be reassured with my words. "I don't see why you guys are tearing yourself up. I'm glad for your concerns and sympathy but don't break yourselves down over something that you can't even control."

Nightpaw winced. "Say that to Silvermist." I snorted, amused—remembering how the silver molly had completely freaked out she saw her kit come back bloodied and wounded. I didn't blame her though. I was in a really bad shape.

"Anyways! Are you finally able head back to your duties?" Smokepaw asked. She licked her paw and brought it over her ear.

"Yeah, I finally," I said. My ears then twitched as I saw Pinethistle making his way over to me. His fur was groom, slicked though I could see the green mucky poultice against his dark brown fur. "Beestripe says that you are able to go to your duties," he meowed.

I nodded. Pinethistle's eyes gleamed. "Good, we will head out for a hunting patrol later on in the evening. You're free to do whatever you want for now."

"Okay," I meowed. Once Pinethistle turned around and headed over to the nursery, I faced Nightpaw and Smokepaw. "Free time?"

"Nope!" Nightpaw jumped to her paws. She rolled her eyes. "Battle training—after everything you know?" I let out a sigh, knowing exactly what she meant. The attack of the rouges not only happened on Shadowclan but on Skyclan also. Not to mention Thymestar from Windclan acting all mysterious ever since the gathering. Thistlestar grew rigid from the attack and issued more borders, night time patrols, guards, and heavy, intense battle training.

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