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My Guy 🥰❤️

Chat Members:
Arthur Leclerc & Raya Ricciardo



oh my gosh hi

hi babe

babe, please listen to me. nothing happened
between Xolo and I. it was nothing but a chance
encounter. we didn't plan to meet up and my post
had nothing to do with him. it was just a random
post. I had no clue he likes chiliberry too until I met
him. and you know I follow him and some of the
cast of Cobra Kai bc we love the show. you know
that I follow the cast of shows I like 🥺

Arthur, I promise that that article exaggerated
things. it's really not what you (or anyone) thinks.
you truly have nothing to worry about. I'm your girl
and yours only.

I really appreciate you explaining and clearing
things out, babe. I hope you're not too worried

if you're crying, that might be a problem bc I'm
not there to comfort and cuddle you hahaha

you know the protocol, call me when you need
me anytime ❤️

and I trust you, okay? if you say that you and Xolo
meeting each other was a chance encounter, I
believe you

thank you, babe

I love you 💗

you know I do too

has Daniel talked to you or something?

not yet

but I just know he'll bombard me soon

good luck with that hahaha

✨moral support✨

gee, thanks hahaha

will I see you at pre-test in Barcelona?


Uncle Dan will be there, so I'm betting I will too

and it's after my pre-test in Arizona, so I'd say
the chances are good

great. I miss you already :)

I miss you more, doofus

btw, I'm curious

about what?

who's more better-looking? me or Xolo?

oh my gosh babe you're such a child 😭

you ofc! that's not even a question hahaha

okay, good 😌

call me soon?

call you later

alright. see you then

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