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Uncle Dan 🤠👟

Chat Members:
Daniel Ricciardo & Raya Ricciardo


Hiraya Codey Gutierrez-Ricciardo

hi Uncle Dan

Don't you "hi Uncle Dan" me, Raya

I used your full name, middle name and
your mom's maiden name!

How are you not intimidated

I saw this coming from a mile away

I wish you were 7 years old again. I hate
your teenager phase

I'm turning 20, Uncle Dan

You're still a teenager

You were saying earlier...?


Raya, what the hell is this?

*Daniel Ricciardo sent a link*

Uncle Dan, I swear it's not what it looks like.

Oh yeah? Why isn't it?

I went out that night to buy more chiliberry
bc my pint ran out then I came across Xolo

First name basis, huh?

well what do you want me to call him?


you're 12 years old, Uncle Dan

An obvious fact. Proceed please

so at first it was just small talk
with "Knucklehead" bc ~oh wow a fellow
chiliberry fan~ and then I remembered that
he's in Cobra Kai

yknow the show I watch with
Tilly and the guys

So I've been reminded


and then more small talk yada yada yada

then bam! the paparazzi comes out of no where

I swear to God these paps are gonna give
me a heart attack one of these days


Not a nice joke

right. sorry

but yea there

so the paps came and I dragged "Knucklehead"
to the car with me then I drove us off to safety
then I brought him to his friend's house
then I went home and now here we are

Damn it, Raya

First of all, good luck with your trainer once
she finds out about your ice cream consumption

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