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Alpha!sans pov

I walk through snowdin and as expected nobody sees a thing, this is stupid I think as I enter waterfall and sit down.
I wish that Alpha!tale still existed so I could go back someday, but it's gone for good. I hope Will survived but knowing him he'll find trouble or vice versa. Then a strange sensation comes over me like a pressure but more like a brick wall.

What feels like hours have passed and this feeling won't go away. I try and think about the good times but they are replaced with bad ones. He pops into my mind and a sudden rage overcomes. After some time the pressure becomes overwhelming and I stumble down and pass out.(weird for a ghost huh)

I awake to the sound of birds and realize I'm in a corridor, strange I've never randomly teleported in my sleep, what is happening? I walk up to a window and can see the outside world, it's full of plants and trees. This feeling won't go away.(bet you thought it was the judgement hall)

I keep walking until I see a human walking in the opposite direction, how did I teleport to the surface I think to myself. This is strange and that feeling got closer in a sense, it feels like it covers a wider area. I see something in the distance, what looks to be a flying hunk of metal? I turn and see it fully and wonder, how have humans become this advanced as I see other humans piloting it.

The craft comes closer until it's within a few hundred feet and I see something shoot out of it like small pod. It flies over pretty quickly and when it hits the glass everything explodes and the hallway between these two buildings is gone. I turn around to see the human gone and look down and see small splotches of blood. A new sensation washes over me, control yourself I think, but this feeling. . . this hate and rage overwhelms me. Why? Why would humans just eradicate one another with the push of a botton.

I look out at the buildings and notice other large craters in walls and I also realize this was a hospital, I shout knowing no one can hear, I curse these humans, they trapped monsters underground just so they can kill each other. I feel magic gathering around me as a beam shoots into the sky that only I can see. Hmm I think to myself. . . that feeling it's gone.

I teleport to another universe and wonder, where did that pillar of energy go? It's probably strewn about the multiverse somewhere. It'll just shoot out until it runs out of magic or it comes into contact with something stronger than it, then it might explode. I can't sense the beam anymore so hopefully it dissipates soon, I think this might cause trouble but I brush it off and keep walking.

In a different part of the multiverse
No ones pov

The energy ray continues to shoot out into the multiverse seemingly collecting energy to sustain itself. In a different area there is a brigde over a small lake watching over an ocean. The sky is black and the grass is devoid of color. Some cracks appear in the sky and slowly get larger and larger. Until there is a loud boom that can be heard across several universes. The ray of energy hits the ground and explodes, leaving scroch marks in a forty foot radius.

Then a ball of energy sphere starts expanding, but then it starts to shrink. Imense amounts of magic is coming from this ball of light. Once it finally disappears there is a glowing figure in the center floating, almost collecting the sphere of energy in a way, until they hit the ground and pass out. It seems a bit of the lake evaporated. . .

Prologue finished *maybe*

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