chapter 8

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I arrive in the doodle sphere and look for Ink, he still isn't here, weird. I decide to train with blasters and bones for a bit. I make ginormous blasters and millions if bones. After a few minutes I make thirty blasters the size of large buildings. I keep spamming blasters until I'm out of breath, which takes about an hour. I take a break and head to the mainframe. I say hello to 404 and take a nap. After an hour I get up and practice blue magic on some rocks, I toss and turn them and crush them together. 404 says my efficiency with blue magic is around twenty-six percent, which is over double Error's blue magic progress. I say "neat" and continue practicing, then 404 says, "your light show in the doodle sphere was quite interesting". I thank him as I crush the rocks into a stone about the size of a watermelon. I practice with bones and bone weapons while 404 leaves and does something. I make a row of blasters and fire them upwards. Then I focus and make a blaster that is huge and charged with lightning. Oh lightning, should probably practice with that for a bit. After a few warmups with lightning I decide to try something. I sit down and concentrate, after a while I am in my mind. In a blank space I focus and make a clone of myself, to fight. He barrages me with blasters everywhere and I do the same. I focus on trying to move and dodge in smaller spaces. I dodge several attacks that nearly hit but none do, he teleports close and tries slashing me with multiple weapons, nothing lands. I punch him away and summon building sized blasters and lock him in place. Direct hits, he falls and I rush at him throw a few bones that stab through him and punch him towards the ground.
He explodes into a black mist and disappears, then three more appear all attacking at once. Dodging everything without having to move very much is getting easier. I jump into the air and as I fall back down I dodge loads of blasters, bones, and lightning. As I hit the ground I make a shockwave go out followed by thirty feet tall bones spreading out quickly. As the clones get knocked back I overcharge my body with lightning and go to one and barrage it with charged blasters and punches, making shockwaves that seem to ripple the air itself. After dealing with one the other two get up and continue their assault, narrowly dodging between two blasters and getting closer I summon about a million blasters and in a wall formation aiming at the clones. I fire all of them and they hit and devestate the area they're facing. One gets up and I walk towards it and teleport past it and sit down, after a second it explodes.

I keep fighting in my mind until I get tired and stop. After a while I decide to go to sleep and hopefully when I wake up somebody will be here to train with. I fall asleep after a few minutes and I appear on a beach and see the sun setting on an ocean. I walk around for a bit and decide to relax and take in the scenery. After what feels like a long time I stand up and decide to train a bit. Soon I see a figure in the distance, it seems to be looking the other way. I get closer and I see a skeleton wearing a black jacket, it also seems like it's bones are black aswell, interesting color scheme. I get even closer and now I'm within fourty feet, I hope they can't sense magic. It would kinda ruin the fun of sneaking. I get even closer until I realize that this guy reminds me of Error a bit, cause is also kinda glitchy. I take some very careful steps, now I'm within eleven feet of them. They are looking around in the same direction almost frantically.
"Oh god, you scared the (computer crashing noises) outta me"!
"Oh sorry, but I mean it's only fair since you're intruding my mind"(Me).
"How do you know I'm not part of your dream"?
"I can sense magical energy"(Me).
"Alright, I guess that makes sense".
"I came here to ask you a question".
"Alright, what is it"(Me).
"I would like to train with you for a bit and see how strong you are".
"I've had an interest in your power for quite a while and I want to see it for myself".
"Alright, I don't really have anything better to do anyway, also how did you even get in here"(Me)
"Since you are so powerful, when you dream it's almsot as if you're creating a void in the multiverse, as if it were its own area, and you've done this without knowing how to".
"Interesting, and how do you know this"(Me)
"Simple, I can create little pockets like this on my own".
Huh, that might be a good skill to know.
"Could you teach me how to do this"(Me)?
"Of course, just as long as you don't hold back in our fight that is".
"You got it"(Me).

I wake up and teleport to that area and see it almost crumpling away, but when I get back I see it reform. We both get to a decent distance from each other and I start streching. After I'm done I get ready and wait for his first move. He stikes summoning large blasters that fire almost instantly. I jump up and summon larger blasters and land on one. He looks up as they fire, as the smoke clears I drop down and sense him summoning bones. He launches the barrage I use my practice and dodge all of them without moving to much and none hit. I charge in and land several bones and blast him, then uppercut him into the air and use blue magic to throw him back down. He gets up and make several thousand blasters that stack almost miles in the air. I retaliate with even more blasters than his and both walls fire. Beams collide and as his slowly get pushed back we both start shooting bones at one another. I make sure my bones deflect his. I overpower his blasters with sheer numbers and he teleports out of the way. I dash after him and hit him with some more bones and then summon fire around us. I cover the surroundings with flames reminiscent of brimstone and death. The flames are evaporating the water nearby and spread for miles across. He starts making his attacks stronger and faster slowly building up pressure. I make sure to put more pressure on him though so he can't counter attack. He eventually jumps into the air and summons more blasters aiming at me, so I teleport next to him and punch him and send him flying. I get rid of the fire and then start summoning charged blasters and fire at him. As he gets hit and doges a few I teleport behind him and punch him with a charged fist.(nothing personal). He gets up and as he raises his hand up, millions of bones summon everywhere. I get hit a few times and he blasts me twice. I stand, ow my side, and I summon chaged blasters and fire at him. It's like this guy doesn't give up, he's hit me hard and yet he looks way more beat up. He decides to try and end this, dashing at me with a red bone in his hand. I summon charged blasters and a hundred normal looking ones that shoot fire out of them. As he is distracted I throw lightning at him and all five projectiles hit, launching him back and exploding. He waivers but stands and then his eye flashes red and he summons a million blasters and hundreds of larger red ones. I get ready and prepare millions of my own charged blasters and then I imbue myself with lightning and summon a charged blaster with fire coming off of it that is the size of Mt. Everest.

In a last ditch effort I make two mountain sized blasters and fire. The beams collide but mine are slowly pushing his back. He starts summoning blasters behind me and I can't block in time. I kneel on one knee but keep pushing. I summon walls around me to block the blasters. After more time the walls start cracking. I can't keep this up for much longer. It seems he is about to run out of energy as well. So finally I make a big push and use something I've never tried before. The two mountain blasters turn black and fire even stronger beams. Immediately crushing his beams and any chance he had of getting a final hit in.
So this is what it's like to fight someone stronger than me. This is also what it's like to pass ou-.

One hour later
I awake and remember what happened, I look around until I see a beat up skeleton look at a burnt horizon. I walk over and sit next to him.
"That was fun and stressful at the same time"(Me)
"Sure was, how did you make those super powerful blasters".
"That must be what that hidden potential that someone told me about"(Me).
"You were able to stand your ground quite well if I do say so myself".
"Thanks, and you are very strong yourself, whatever your name is"(Me)
"Oh sorry, always forget, you can just call me Alpha".(Alpha)
"Cool nice to meet you, name's Maven if you didn't already know"(Me).
This guy gives off very familiar vibes. Maybe I'll find out more by hanging around him. After we rest he shows me how to make small pockets through the multiverse, which might be useful if I want to be left alone. He then asks me if I want to train more and be able to utilize more code to amplify my power. Of course I would agree to getting stronger.

Next time

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