chapter 10

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After a long rest I head to the mainframe and try taking a small bit of code to gain some energy. I notice in the water my eyes flash blue a bit and the cracks are thinner than before, like scars almost. The blue eyes look wierd, reminds me of 404. Maybe this is why he's super strong, mainframe code is more potent than normal code. I might want to take advantage of this at some point. I should also probably teach this to Error, but it might be difficult since he's not as strong. Keeping that in mind for later, I decide to try using blue magic on 404's scale. I make a large blaster and use blue , it seems to work. Blasters are heavier than I thought even though they're pure magic, but I guess I am aswell. I keep up the training and it becomes easier to move objects, but maintaining them is very hard. I keep at for a few hours, and it seems the mainframe effects have worn off. I decide to try mastering bones after a bit, like 404's control over blue magic. It takes some time but in the end it becomes almost effortless to make bones of any practical size. Ginormous bones like tower sizes are still hard but not as difficult as mountain blasters, I'll work on those next. After an hour bones are like picking up a pebble, you don't feel a difference. Then I try making a new attack, I call it bonetrocity. First I stomp my foot on the ground and bones come up from all around me, then they move towrads me and back out. They move in sort of flower style patterns, then the bones all shoot out and get struck by lightning and explode. This attack can cover many distances, depending on what I feel like they should do. The lightning stikes are an excellent addition if I do say so, they add a more menacing appearance. This attack can happen extremely fast, especially if I imbue the bones with lightning. Later I decide it's time to try my hand at blasters, see if I can make something new. Those flamethrower blasters were a good idea, so maybe I can come up with something else. After a few hours of practice blasters are a bit less effort than before but not a lot. Blaster mastery might take awhile. It'll take maybe four to six months of blaster practice to become the blaster master, but I believe. After a nap and some mind training, I think it's time to pay King Multiverse a visit. I leave the mainframe and head to him, once I'm there I see Error arguing with a crowned skeleton. I walk over to introduce myself.
"Hello there, I'm Maven"(Me).
"Oh, a visitor how are you"(KM).
"I'm fine I was just wondering if you were busy at the moment"(Me).
"I'm not particularly busy right now, why"(KM)?
"I was informed by 'someone' that I have strength similar to that of yours"(Me).
"Oh, and who is this 'someone' that has informed you"(KM)?
"Oh you know, just your boss"(Me).
"That's the one"(Me).
"I have a lot of questions"(KM).
"Ask away"(Me).
"Alright, first off how do you know 404"(KM)?
"I kind of broke into his 'home' when I came into existence"(Me).
"He literally broke through the mainframe's sky"(Error).
"I kind of woke up after I broke through"(Me).
"Alright, next just how strong do you think I am"(KM)?
"Strong enough to be king, so surely one of the mightiest people in the multiverse"(Me).
"Fair point, but just how strong are you for 404 recommending me"(KM)?
"You'll have to fight me to find out"(Me).
"I mean sure, I don't really have anything going on"(KM).

We walk a distance away from the throne and I prepare. We are both going to start off small and work up to full power, so this should be good. Once we're both ready he starts with opening portals that shoot hundreds of chains. I dodge all of them and make a million bones. I run at him as bones and chains collide, I almost get hit a few times but it's fine. I get close and punch him and realize the chestplate that he's wearing nulifies kinetic damage. So melee is useless, unless I use magic weapons. I make a bone sword and hit him, it does less damage but still works. I then hit him away and summon a couple hundred charged blasters. He makes a wall of chains, but they eventually break. Then he summons lots of blasters that charge slowly then fire magenta beams that seems to pack lots of firepower. He starts using more power and barrages chains in my direction, they are red this time. I get hit by one and take one hundred and thirty damage. Then I make hundreds of lightning strikes appear around him, he gets hit three times. He summons a hundred blasters and once they charge I've got my own ready. The beams collide at full force, his start pushing mine back but then I summon a few fire blasters behind him and he seems confused at first but still defends. I then use my code form and barrage him with lots of attacks, hitting with some blasters then into some bones. I then use blue on him and throw him into the ground and then back up, as he flies up I dash at him. He summons blasters all over the place and one hit for over one billion damage. It seems that his blasters can bypass defense, so I need to be more careful. I get close and hit with some bones and slash him with a sword, I then reel back and then hit him with a scythe. Then where the scythe hit it explodes doing even more damage and knocking us both back. As we hit the ground he summons more power and more blasters. I retaliate with a mountain blaster, it pushes back his beams. I take the opportunity and start charging lightning in my hand. I must keep up the attack, he keeps summoning more and more attacks. It's almost charged, then I look over and see thirty giant blasters and I summon four mountain blasters. I keep charging the lightning, the tendrils of energy reach my shoulder. I am running out of energy and time, as I summon one more mountain blaster. I dash below then summon a blaster under and fire it downwards. Rising fast, he barely notices but can't react as his blasters are overwhelmed and I hit him with tons of lightning. As it explodes I see and faint set of cracks appear on his chestplate. After the explosion I stand up and walk over and help him up.
"Good fight"(Me).
"Do you have another form like I do"(Me)?
"Yes, and it makes me stronger than 404"(KM).
"Neat, I wonder what would've happened if I used mainframe code in that fight"(Me)
"It would have been a wash, your normal code form is a bit stronger than me and mainframe code is not to be messed with"(KM).
"That's a fair point"(Me).

I thank him for the fight and leave, that was fun. If his blasters hit me more it would have been game over for me, but it's fine. It just shows that my speed is one of my strengths. I return to the mainframe and tell 404 what happened. He said congrats on winning and left after a few minutes. I took another nap and practiced with blasters more and, I threw a little blue magic in the mix. Now I'm gonna try working on lightning, see what I can inprove and see what I can do. For a few fights I've channeled lightning into my arm and threw it or it exploded. There are multiple forms of this move, but it stays relatively the same. I guess "lightning fist" is a bad name. Oh I know a good one, what about "lightning spear". I think I'll let it sink for now, but the move itself takes a lot of energy to use. I just need to be more efficient with it, charge it faster and have it cost less. Maybe I can have it bounce between bones to have some kind of combo attack. Ideas for later.

Next time

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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