chapter 3

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After some time of waiting for 404 I start wandering around and see lots of drawings and papers. I see some papers floating around, some are glowing and some are darker in color. It's taking 404 forever to come back I thought he was watching. I see Error come through a portal and starts walking towards me saying 404 has other business to attend to. Ink sees him and starts talking to him Error starts to get annoyed. Then Ink asks why Error is here and Error says that he's going to take me back 'home' then Ink says, "oh, what AU do you live in," Error pauses and I ask, "what's an AU". He says that in the multiverse there are a lot of different universes and each one is either slightly different or radically different from the original universe.

I say "neat" once I figure out what he means and start walking around. Then Ink asks Error how strong he has gotten and Error says, "not the time Ink". As Error walks over to me I notice Ink preparing an attack at Error. He pounces towards Error with his brush, I take a step to the side. Error looks really annoyed as he prepares to fight Ink. They each get quite a few good hits in as I watch. Ink was right I attack similar to Error, stunning my opponent then barraging them with attacks. It seems Error doesn't have the efficiency I do when it comes to magic, but Ink was right it appears Error has more of a brute-ish fighting style. I watch them fight as the area seems to get darker.

The area is getting darker, darker, and even darker(hah). It seems as a blanket of darkness covers everything, but it seems only I can see it. I look around frantically as I see a figure walking towards me, it leaves these sort of puddles on the floor. I notice my feet are making a ripple affect on the ground. Water? I face the figure as they approach and I see their eyes are a cyan blue-ish color. They wear a jacket seemingly made of a liquid, like the rest of their clothes. I see some kind of castle-like structure behind them as they slowly approach. Then the figure says, "welcome to my domain, this is where I Nightmare lurk until I can defeat Dream". He then says, "it would be my honor to have a meal with you, uh I didn't get your name". I say, "the names Maven, why am I here?"
"Ah straight to the point eh" he says

"The reason you are here is so I could introduce you to some of the basics of the multiverse". I agree and follow him knowing he wants aomething from me, I can see it in his eyes. We reach a dining room in the castle and he prepares food and says, "I've never seen you anywhere before, have you recently come into existence along with your AU". "I don't have an AU, but I did recently appear yes," I reply. He sets the food down and we eat, after I'm done I ask, "did you only want me here to interogate me and give me food?". He says, "Ah, your not as naive as I thought, well I will give you your proposition now". "You can join me, become a being of pure negativity since your soul is already negative it should be easier".
"Or you can resist but I never lose an opportunity so easy to grasp". He's willing to fight me to turn me into a goopy mess like him. He walks out for a moment and comes back with a black apple in his hand and holds it out to me.

"I'll think about it" I say. What do I do? 404 never taught me to teleport so I can't leave. If I take this apple he might mind control me or something. I might have to fight him and hope somone can sense the energy. Maybe the apple won't mind conrtol me, I am pretty powerful. It seems time is running thin, he seems impatient. I decide to grab the apple and think, do I bite this. "Wait if I'm already made of pure negativity why do I need to eat this?" "It will make you stronger" Nightmare says, "so eat it already you keep building unneeded suspense".

"You know what F this" I say as I throw the apple to the floor. He seems really mad as I prepare to fight. He sends lots of tentacles at me, none hit. I blast him and he starts laughing and says, "you'll have to try harder than that"! I keep dodging and barraging him with attacks until he steps back and summons a skeleton with a knife and says, "kill him". The skeleton nods and charges and I dodge his knife barrage and lightly punch him, it sends him flying. Nightmare summons two other skeletons, one with a hole in his head and an axe and the other with his hood up and a scarf. "Help killer" he commands and they follow. Killer's the one I punched I think, as I dodge axe swings, bones, and blasters I ask, "why work for a guy like this, ordering you around and using you guys as pawns on a chessboard"? The one with the hood says, "He helped us escape our destroyed worlds and showed us the multiverse".

I continue dodging only throwing bones back, dealing one damage each. The hooded one seems to heal the others as well as himself. "So the strongest is the healer, interesting guy, " I say as the other two get mad. Then the hooded one disappears and reappears with another skeleton who seems beat up and is holding a skull. I keep on dodging as Nightmare joins in. I start laughing and Killer asks, "What's so funny"? "It's taking all five of you to fight me and not a scratch on me, and if I wanted to . . . I COULD KILL YOU ALL RIGHT NOW!" I shout. They step back a bit and I dash to Nightmare punching him and shooting a beam through him, it seems pretty effective.

The others back down and I see Nightmare reform and I charge a large blaster and fire it shooting a red beam, quadrupling the damage. I put lots of energy into this attack and I hear a portal and turn to see a hooded figure waving me in, I run over to it and jump in and start catching my breath. Once I stand he walks over and says, "nice to meet you I am Omni". I say "Maven, and thanks for getting me outta there". He nods and turns and says "I know 404's been training you so I want to see what you're capable of". After my rest I walk over and prepare to spar once we start I immediately notice that he is more like me he is better with strength based attacks than magic. After some combat I say "we're not so different you and I". He says "I only want to spar with you because you look like someone I used to know but taller, and edgy-er". I say "says the one literally wearing a hooded cape".

I punch him in the side, then use blue magic and blast him. Then he stops and says "you know what I wanna teach you lightning magic". I agree and we start by him teaching me to summon lightning and it works after a while. Then he tells me to shoot it like bones, it works. "Heh this is pretty easy, compared to blue magic" I say. He nods and tells me to try and disperse the lightning throughout my body, and it makes me move way faster.

Next time

Note : headaches suck

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