chapter 5

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404 is acting suspicious, he's walking around and writing things down on a notepad he's holding.
"If this test won't hurt or mortally change me in any way then I'm down"(Me)
"Good, as long as you stay calm nothing should go wrong"(404)

Error pov
Alright time to look for him, I start by searching Outertale, nothing. AU after AU
where could this slippery rat be hiding. In the next AU I find him and start approaching, he sees me and starts running I grab him in strings and he slips out. I blast him, no effect, this glitch is one of the most annoying. He should have been erased long ago, but through sheer luck he survived. He keeps running through different AU's. Eventually he leads me to Fatal and he leaves. Fatal sees me and immediately begins the fight. He attacks spasticly barely landing hits, but he and I are not so different. It just feels like he has multiple personalities in control. We both try grabbing the other with strings, he misses, I connect and immediately blast him. He seems winded and teleports away, I continue the pursuit on that goopy peice of-. Ink steps in and asks
"Why are you chasing Gaster down"?
"He is another glitch, and he is weak"(Me).
"Seems like your not having fun"(Ink)
"I only have fun when it's easy, this slippery basterd always seems just out of reach"(Me).
"Well if you want to have fun, we could spar again"(Ink).
This again, why does he always wants to fight me. It's so annoying, I wish I could kill him, but then KM would kill me.
"You know what, I'll indulge you, lets fight"(Me).
"Alright, lets do this, in the doodle sphere"(Ink).

We both teleport into the doodle sphere and begin to fight. I grab him and he narrowly slips out. He attacks with a barrage of bones, ink clones and blasters. I take the opportunity to use blue magic, it still is very difficult but it works. I throw him around and hit him with a few blasters. He gets up and starts spamming blasters, he's getting serious, I see. Another opening, I take it, surrounding him in blue bones and charging four giant blasters.
"This ends here"(Me)
After the blast he gets up and pats himself off.
"Good fight Error, you really had me on the ropes"(Ink).
"Thanks, I've been practicing"(Me).
"I can tell, you don't usually use blue magic, but you did this time"(Ink)
"Alright see you later"(Ink), he says as he hops into a puddle of ink. That was a good fight, blasters are becoming more efficient, and blue magic was a nice way to combo with others attacks. Interesting things to take note of for next time.

Maven pov
After some time, and planning, 404 has me make a protective barrier of magic. Then he uses blue magic and slowly puts me into the lake near the bridge. At some point the barrier fades and the blue magic stops. Then in the blackness I see something. It looks similar to a menu.

Atk:2 Def:99B Hp:666B Exp:0 Love:1 Lvl:4

What are these numbers? It seems like these are . . . my . . stats? It seems my attack power is above one now(yay). Why are there two of the same stats? Love and Lvl, I wonder what these stand for? Then suddenly they fade and a surge of an odd sensation comes over me. It feels strange at first, like a pressure in my spine area. Then it develops into a surge of ungodly pain all over my body. Everywhere hurts, but then all of the pain moves to my head. It feels like I'm spinning, and there are streams of pain flowing into my head. Surges of agony, I try and call out for help, bubles appear in my eyes. I call again but nobody came. This isn't even stressful, but it hurts so much. Now it seems to evolve into what feels like flames from the burning of tortured souls pouring out of my eyes, I think I'll call them brimstone flames. Then it stops.

Time passes and then I see the flame appear in my peripheral vision and they start flowing into me and it hurts more than before. How am I on fire in water(how ironic). After what feels like hours the pain subsides but my head still hurts. I feel like I'm about to pass out and vomit and the same time.
. . . It seems that I'm finally about to pass ou-

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