Chapter 1

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No one's pov

After a while the figure starts to slowly stand up and adjust to their surroundings. Then a portal opens and two skeletons walk through and one shouts, "who are you?" Then they notice the hole in the sky and the taller one says, " how did you break a hole in my sky?"

M/c pov

I see the two figures aproach and I back away and the short one tries attacking with bones? Whatever I dodge and he tries shooting me with a lazer canon of some kind and still misses, "this guy sucks" I think to myself. The taller one lifts his hand and I go flying all over the area and then come crashing back to where I was. That didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. I get up and he lifts his hand and I brace for more telekinesis and I turn blue but nothing happens.

After a while he gets angry and lifts his hand and shoots a beam that. . . doesn't hurt? But when I try to move nothing happens. He starts laughing and approaches me. I try moving again and I budge a small amount, he is takin aback. I smirk as I feel his presence suddenly crash down. He shoots at me with a black beam instead of a blue one but it does. . . nothing? Like the other one, but it does hurt but instead of hitting me it seems to pass right through me.

He seems to stumble a bit but regains his balance and starts examining me as I try to move. "Odd how both shots hit but the second passed through," he says. Then I realize I can move my arms and notice I am a skeloton. I didn't notice before hand. I'm glowing for some reason and feel my face and notice that there are only eye sockets. I try to calm down from some kind of fight or flight feeling and I stop glowing.

I notice that I am wearing a white jacket that fades to black near the bottom with tons of random white lines in the black area. It also has a black stripe in the center, I also have grey sweatpants with red lined hexagons all over in a pattern.

The tall skeleton steps backward and then crumbles to the floor, interesting for a seamingly strong guy. He then stand up wipes his face and asks, "can you speak at all," weird, I can understand him but I don't know how to speak it seems. I shake my head no and he says, "but you can understand me,". I shake my head, yes. "Can you write?" he asks, I shrug, he tells the short one to go get a peice of paper and the short complains, then after a few threats he reluctantly leaves.

The tall one examines me from the top of the bridge while he waits. I notice I can move my legs and walk near the lake and sit down. I look at my reflection in the black liquid and notice I have a crack going from my right eye down to my cheek. He notices and after some silence states, "the reason I spared you is because you remind me of someone I used to know." I look at him for a second then shrug. I examine my hands and see black going from my elbows to half of my palm.

After a few minutes the short one comes back with a pencil and paper. The tall one snatches it and brings it to me and he writes, "can you read?" on it. I grab the pencil and write, "yes," and he sighs and says, "good your just mute and not stupid." I stand up and he says, "I will train you so you don't die."
The short one yells, "oh, so you don't have to give them a life or death choice for it," then the tall one flicks him and he falls over.

Time skip (probably a day or two)

After some time I learn to speak a little and I ask, "when do we train?" The tall one replies, "right now," as he tells the short one to teach me to dodge. This is pretty simple I think as a bone hits me for seven damage then the skeleton asks, "how only seven I usually do sixty to seventy damage?" The tall one states, "maybe he's just stronger than you," to which the short one gets angry and shoots at me with, what they call a "blaster" and I dodge it pretty easily.

"Alright I think you can dodge just fine," the tall one says as he walks over. "Now I shall teach how to use magic," he says as the short one goes to sit down. "Ok," I reply as he tells me to try and sense an energy around me and it's pretty easy. Then he says to try and use the energy in my body to form attacks, after a few minutes of concentration I create a blaster, and a big one at that. He walks in front of it and tells me to concentrate magic into the blaster, then fire it. After a bit I see an orb appear in it and I fire it.

The tall one walks away practically unscathed as he says, "how can you dodge so easily yet do one damage." The short one laughs then I punch him and it deals ten thousand damage and sends him flying. The tall one laughs and I smirk and then laugh. He gets up and walks over and sits on the bridge and watches from afar. I focus on making bones and it works, though I think I overdid it. There were a few thousand when I only tried summoning one!

The tall one says I'm a natural born magic user but I lack magic damge.

Next time

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