chapter 4

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I hope Nightmare doesn't bring me to him anytime soon. On the off chance that he does, when I get back to my "home" I'll ask Error and 404 to teach me to teleport. As I train I notice lightning takes quite a lot of energy. I ask Omni how I can increase my energy limit and he tells me to just use that type of magic for long peroids of time. Keeping that in mind I make more lightning attacks and try imbuing my bones with lightning and it works and now my bones shoot faster and do two damage, cool. I try putting lightning into my blaster and it takes longer to charge and fires a gigantic yellow beam, Omni touches it and it does twelve damage.

I keep making lightning blasters and it makes it easier to do it again. I can also imbue my bone weapons with lightning and it makes them shoot slashes. I keep spamming attacks until I feel really tired. Finally lightning feels like summoning a blaster instead of making a couple thousand blasters. I keep at it and notice that my blasters and bones also feel easier to make. I wonder if thats how 404 can throw people around so easily. I see Omni eventually leave and I realize I was in a part of the doodle sphere again.

I wander until I see Error and Ink still fighting. I walk over and Error says, "there you are, where did you go?" I tell him, "A guy named Nightmare wanted me to either eat his apple or fight". Ink jumps up and says, "You fought Nightmare"? I say, "yeah but he couldn't really do much I didn't have to try, but his regeneration is annoying". "Agreed" Error says. "Then he commanded four skeletons to attack me, they weren't all that powerful though". "But I didn't kill them" I say, then Ink says, "If you fought those four and him at once then I think you could really help us". "If we get you on our team then we might tip the balance". Then Error intervenes saying, "If you mean positivity and negativity that's fine, but if you mean creation and destruction I'll have to step in".
"Yeah I mean negativity and positivity, I can't tip the balance of creation and destruction"
"Good" Error

"I'll help you if you teach me to travel between the universes" I say. Ink says "Deal" and he starts to teach me to teleport. He says to try and sense magic far away and I should see some kind of symbol to differentiate it from others AUs. After a long time I see a place in my mind and teleport there. I end up at a cliff outlooking space, this looks amazing I think as I sit down. After I admire the view I get up and teleport back after some effort. They ask where I went and once I explain the scenery Error says, "Oh, so you went to Outertale. It is pretty nice, I go there to relax sometimes". Interesting, I think as Ink tells me what I'm doing. He says, "Ok, with you here this shouldn't be much of an issue, we just need you to knock him around and beat him up a little".
"Sounds easy enough" I say
"Well yeah with you stronger than me this should go fairly well" Ink replies
"Alright when are we leaving" I say

Ink says in about three days so I can go train. Error and I leave Ink and we head back "home". As we arive I ask him "what is this place", he says "It's called the mainframe, 404 lives here, I visit occasionally to train, and I guess you live here as well". I say "neat" and walk around. Error and I train with blue magic together. It seems he and I both get a stronger grip on it after. Then we start sparing and I don't use lightning cause that seems unfair for Error. I dodge lots of his attacks getting hit three times after his outburst of strings to grab me and bones and blasters to hit me. In total he did a resounding one-hundred and seventy-four damage. After I punch him a few times I suggest we stop and he agrees. After we rest he says 404 will arrive in a few minutes and he says he has "business" to attend to, I say good luck and he says he probably won't need it.

After I rest and continue training at super fast speeds 404 arrives and I say hello.
He says, "how was the fight with ink".
"It was fine, he's not all that strong but he's persistent". I say
"Interesting" He says
"I also fought Nightmare and his goons, they were pretty weak, even all together". (Me)
"Oh so you met him, interesting, how" He says
"While Error and Ink satrted fighting the doodle sphere got extremely dark and I was brought to him, then after a short fight Omni came in and let me out".(Me)
"Oh you met Omni to, very interesting".(404)
"Why do you keep saying interesting"?(Me)
"Just keeping note of you and your progress, like Error but he's weaker".(404)

After I finish training I ask, "where were you"? He says "I had some business with an acquaintance".
"By the sound of your tone they sound very annoying".(Me)
"Yes, they are, extremely"(404)
After that 404 and I spar a bit and he teaches me some pointers on blue magic. I tell him about lightning magic and he seems intrigued, as we spar.I start using it more. It seems he is taking mental notes on my "progress". I dodge lots of bones and narrowly doage a few blasters by using lightning to move faster. I hit him with lightning attacks and melee, then he gets up and within a few short moments we both use blue magic. It seems to nulify us both but since he has mastery he can move me, he hust can't seem to move. I keep pushing magic into him but he wont budge, it seems the blue magic has cancelled each other out but he is stronger. I keep concentrating magic into myself and him, after a while of getting slammed into the ground I manage to summon a large blaster and imbue it with lightning. I fire as fast as I can and he lets go but I keep him there and it leaves a few marks. He gets up and pats of dust and says, "good, very good, your potential is very high"

"Let us make an experiment with my knowledge this should go well"

"You are the test subject, of course".

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