Now and Forever

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I woke the next morning blinking my eyes trying to focus them. When my vision finally cleared I saw H/N looking lovingly at me.

"Morning Beautiful" he said softly as he kissed my forehead gently.

"How long have you been awake and why are you staring at me?" I inquired smiling bashfully at him.

He glanced over my shoulder at the clock on my nightstand then back at me saying "About two hours and watching you sleep. Taking in the fact that I am the luckiest man a live cause I get to wake up next to you for the rest of our lives."

I felt my eyes filling with tears "H/N, I love you more than I can ever scream. Now and forever" I whispered as I cupped my hands around his jaw pulling his lips to meet mine in a deep passionate kiss.

"No need for tears D" he responded softly as he kissed the tears from my checks.

"Happy tears, Knight very happy" I replied smiling at him.

"Well then are you ready to get the rest of our lives under way?" he inquired as he sat up on the side of the bed.

"Yes I am" I replied as I crawled out of bed "Let's go wake the others and get started."

We headed to the kitchen where he started a pot of coffee when it finished I grabbed a box of donuts carrying them to the dining room table

"Wacky... Wacky, coffee and donuts anyone?" H/N called out waking our friends.

"Oh yes coffee... must have coffee" F3 growled as he stood up yawning and stretching.

Everyone slowly woke up and made their way to the coffee and donuts. We sat and eat our breakfast making a plan for the day.

"It shouldn't take too long there is nothing too big to move mainly boxes. Everything is packed with F2's truck it might take two trips. We are going to put the boxes in the front bedroom and D will unpack when she gets time" H/N explained.

We sat there for about 30 more minutes then everyone got ready to go. F2 and F2/GF climbed into the truck while the rest of the guys and their girls climbed onto their bikes and drove to my apartment for what would be the last time.

With the 12 of us we made short work of it and the guys packed the boxes so well that one trip was all it was going to take. H/N and I were the last to leave I stood in what had been my home for almost five years all the memories of that time came flooding back to me at once the good, the bad, and the sometimes ugly.

As my eyes filled with tears I felt H/N strong arms wrapping around me pulling me gently into his grasp. "D, are you sure about this?" he asked nuzzling his face against my neck.

"I have never been surer about anything H/N" I whispered as my tears fell slowly down my cheeks.

"Y/N I love you more than I can ever scream. But if you are not ready for this there is no hurry we have forever ahead of us" he breathed softly into my ear.

"My Knight, I am just remembering the last five years here but I am so ready to move into forever with you" I said wiping the tears from my face turning around hugging him tight.

We walked out the door to his bike and rode off to catch up with the others. We made short work of unloading the truck. Then we all retired to the back yard for a quiet cook out. The guys cooked the meat and drank beers while us girls put together the sides and set the table.

We were all sitting around in a circle around a fire ready to eat when H/N reached over taking my hand in his and said "A toast to our Now and Forever."

"To Now and Forever" everyone said in unison as we raised our drinks to a grand future for all of us.


 *Purdys Pixie*

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