✬ Lone Wolves+Boy? ✬

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Ranboo's POV

(TW: Swears)

I waited quite impatiently for Tom's reply. His eyes broke from my gaze, glancing towards Tubbo before he exhaled deeply. I watched as his heel dug into the soil beneath him.
"I don't see why not." Tommy shrugged. A smile grew on my face, I looked over to Tubbo who was already smiling back at me. I was about to speak until Tommy's hands quickly extended towards me, yanking my shirt and bringing me down to his level. "But I swear to fuckin' god, screw me over and I'll haunt you for the rest of goddamn lives." He continued coldly, clutching my shirt tightly with both of his hands. I surrendered my hands up, my shoulder throbbing from his pull.
"We aren't gonna do shit, just loosen up a bit." Tubbo chimed in, I felt his smaller hand rest on my shoulder and pull me away from Tommy. I was heaving for air but tried to stay quiet. That short kid was suffocating me! I still felt Tommy's sharp glare as his blue hues narrowed towards me.
"Do you have a bone to pick with me or something?" I hissed, referring to his unnecessarily rude attitude toward me in particular. Him and Tubbo seemed fine, both speaking their own language of swearing and whatever. Tommy shrugged, looking at me as if I were stupid.
"I don't know about you but as a HUMAN, I don't particularly trust Endermen and surprise bitch! You're an Endermen." Tommy rambled, slowly stepping closer to me until he was staring right up at me. This time I returned his glare. I heard Tubbo huff, beginning to walk and he pulled Tommy by his ear along with him. I was unsure of what Tubbo was doing till he spoke up, trying not to giggle as Tommy tripped and struggled to pull away from Tubbo
"Let's go Boo! We don't have all day for this dumb conversation of yours." Tubbo shouted, waving his other hand in the air carelessly as if he didn't care if I came or stayed. With a smile and an eye roll, I picked up my pace as I pranced over to them. Tubbo finally let Tommy walk calmly beside him while I walked along Tubbo's other side. As we walked, Tommy would shoot me dirty looks that I would be quick to return. Tubbo was awfully quiet this morning, not dreading the silence as normal. I was curious if he was okay? Did it bother him that this new friend and I weren't getting along? Did I start something by inviting us to walk with this confident kid? Eh, who knows. If something's bothering him, he would be quick to let me know. This was more settled, making me wonder if he was trying to hide. I hate when people try to hide their feelings from me. I could just ask him what he's thinking about but I don't want to be pushy. My thoughts continued to fumble around in my head as I kicked around rocks along the path, staring at my feet as I simmered into the silence. My mind began to spiral out of control. Tubbo seemed weirdly tough around Tommy. Like he was a bro rather than..whatever I am. He was so sweet around me and as soon as Tommy's in the picture he turns strong and tough around him. What's with that? I mean-I did feel myself fall a little bit when I was getting him out of the prison cell but that was just a slip up on my end. It meant nothing! I think? Oh god, I don't know. Too much for me to wrap around right now.

We all stayed relatively quiet as we pondered through the sun speckled forest or at least that's what I thought..
"R.A.N.B.O.O." I heard Tubbo shout, his hand shaking my throbbing shoulder which was quick to pull me out of what I guess was my head. I jerked back due to the shot of pain his touch sent through my body. My eyes gazed down at him, confusion plastered across my face as I was clearly wondering why the hell he pulled on my arm.
"We've been trying to talk to you for 5 minutes. Is everything alright?" Tom's deep British accent chimed in. I lifted my eyes to the blonde boy, astonished. No way. Was I seriously that far fetched into my head? God I feel stupid. Trapped in my own fantasies. It happened again, both looking at me dumbly as I walked quietly. Talking through my thoughts and not out loud. When I felt their deep gazes on me, I lifted my head and hunched my shoulders. Oh my GOD I didn't reply!
"O-Oh, well, just a bit too far into my head I suppose. Tommy, how far is this so-called village?" I stammered, trying to change the subject but that action simply brought more stupidity and embarrassment into the moment.
"If you were LISTENING daydreamer, you would know that it's only a couple hours from here." Tommy growled, fixing a strong glare with his ocean blue hues. I don't think I've wanted to be swallowed by the floor so much in my entire life.
"So tell us Ranboo, whatcha thinking about? And I swear to god if you say 'nothing', I will stab that arrow back through your arm." Tubbo questioned, fading into a harsh threat near the end. I went silent, taken back by his threat. It was clear he was joking but still. How evil. I struggled to find an explanation, staring at them like a stunned deer while my mouth would simply open wordlessly, then snap shut after realizing I had no clue how to respond.
"I-I wouldn't really say I was, ehm..Daydreaming o-or thinking of a-anything in particular. I was curious as to why you were less talkative for a minute there then my mind trailed off." I explained, clearly not knowing what I was saying but it was really hard to explain being trapped in some sort of silent moment that didn't even exist.
"That was real cute, now tell us what you were thinking." Tommy scoffed, Tubbo nodding and narrowing his eyes towards me. I shrugged, freaking out even more than I should be. I surrendered my hands sort of in the air(Since my shoulder couldn't really lift) and my shoulders went tense, the heat off the sun was burning my spine.
"I-I wasn't thinking of anything! Really! I forgot." I replied in a very distressed tone. "I-I might have been thinking of some past-very unimportant-memories but other than that, I thought about random things that were quickly f-forgotten! Just like half of my memories!" I continued, ranting on and on which was now beginning to sound like the horrible cover up it is. I really could have left the last part out but it was too late now, they both seemed rather shocked and unimpressed at the same time.
"Ranboo, how is that possible? Forgetting your memories?" Tubbo questioned softly, his kindness returned. My heart skipped a beat with his sad, curious smile and I was about to reply until Tommy jumped in.
"He probably has a shit memory, Tubbo." Tommy mumbled, as if I wasn't going to hear his stupid assumption that was annoyingly correct.
"Tommy, zip it." Tubbo reflected his hostility while he shot Tommy a silencing glare. That's what I was talking about, soft tone with me but a harsh tone with Tommy but It wasn't in a rude way, just a uhm..sort of friendly way I guess? Y'know when two friends sound like they hate each other but it's all fun and games?
"I have short term memory loss. But it's different in a way. It kind of just wipes things that aren't important." I replied, becoming calmer but my organs were still twisting uncomfortably. Tubbo's head jerked back a tad before Tommy, again, jumped in with his input.
"What? Then why were those 'very unimportant memories' still in your head but you forgot the other thoughts?" Tommy quizzed, practically interrogating me as his eyes watched my frantically shifting hues. I quickly look away. I have been exposed! Hard! Shoot. My head whined as my good hand reached up, pinching the bridge of my nose anxiously.
"I am not sure. Maybe they are important but they feel unimportant." I snapped firmly, shifting my gaze to Tommy out of the corner of my eye. My bright red eye stared coldly. As a result of my hostile response, the two were quick to drop the subject and leave me alone.
"So, are the people nice in the village?" Tubbo questioned, breaking the silence. I knew he felt rather uncomfortable in quietness, unlike me who legit just daydreamed about silence. I remained to feel really stupid about that.
"Ehh, not really." Tommy replied with a careless shrug. "Quite violent people if I'm honest." He continued, stepping over the massive root in his path that stuck out from the earth floor. My eyes dropped to Tubbo who was already looking at me with a panic-like expression. What was he thinking? Who cares, I go in and come out just as easy. Did he think something was going to happen to me? What was he thinking?! Was I going to be killed? Oh my god I'm TOTALLY overthinking this!!
"Would they kill anyone?..Anything?" Tubbo questioned, adding the last bit through Tommy's long pause. Tom hesitated to reply, knowing Tubbo was referring to me. His blue hues glanced up at me, looking for guidance. Behind Tubbo, I mouthed 'I don't know!' soundlessly, frantically waving my hands around. He glared with an eye roll before exhaling deeply.
"I-I'm not sure." Tommy replied, his eyes still bounced between Tubbo and I. Both Tubbo and I did NOT want to hear that as a reply. A few seconds of silence passed as all three of us sunk deep into fear. I'm not sure if we are all scared for me but I know Tubbo was. Tommy didn't care much so I didn't expect him to have the same worry. Although in the middle of the silence, I felt Tubbo's arm hug my waist. Tommy gazed at us, obviously confused and honestly..I was too. What was this? Was he convinced I was going to friggin' die?! Not wanting this to be weird I just lifted my painkilling shoulder up and draped it around his neck, letting the throbbing pain fill my body. My heart was pounding and I couldn't tell if it was due to what the hell Tubbo was doing or if it was the whole 'murderess village' thing. My tails wrapped anxiously around my left leg, I was obviously overthinking and needed to chill out but it was impossible! I almost tripped as the walking trail became more rockier and more roots were poking from the moist, dirt ground. My ankle was just getting better so I swear to god if I wreck it up again, I will rip that damn tree from the ground. Even though my mind was trailing to other things, it always returned to the village and Tubbo's clear fear. It scared me.

A/N: Fear dramaaaa. Lol. Check back Tmr!!
Word Count: 1888
Have a good night/day!!!<3


☆StarBoy☆ Ranboo x Tubbo, Made up AU ☆Where stories live. Discover now