✬ StarBoy ✬

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Ranboo's POV

(TW: Wholesomeness, Fluff, Drama)

A couple days after the emotional roller coaster with..gosh darn it. I forgot the name of Tubbo's friend. I should really keep track of this stuff. Anyways, it's been a few days since then and Tubbo hasn't drug out the situation. In fact he actually began to help Michael with speech. Surprisingly, Bee was really patient with Michael but would occasionally go on his meaningless rants when it was just him and I. I was scared to ask Tubbo what his friend meant about him dying once but I feel he would react badly, causing me to refrain from asking..ever. While my family does that, I've been trying to record my days and keep track of important memories  and details in my new book. An old, leather front and back brown book that I call my Memory Book. I know, not the most creative name you've ever heard but so be it.

Today was a casual afternoon on a Saturday. I was rocking slowly on the wicker porch swing as I was nose deep in an amazing fantasy book I had picked up yesterday. The cold spring air would chill my skin every little while but I was simply cold blooded so the temperature didn't faze me a whole lot.
"Boo! Boo!" Michael chanted as he came barreling around the corner of the house, his tiny hooves pattered the wood beneath his hurrying feet. I stuck my bookmark into my novel and gently placed it beside me as the small kid came to a sliding stop in front of me.
"Can...Can you come pay with me?..-" Michael began as he fiddled with a small red rose, I smiled with a calming exhale.
"Play? Pll-ayy." I vocalized patiently as he nodded slowly.
"Pl..ay?" He tried again, his dark eyes looking up at me for a response. I was quick to lightly tap my hands together, receiving a small smile from the little boy.
"Yes!" I praised with a grin as he too began bouncing with excitement. I inhaled the cold spring air, standing on my feet. The piglin looked up at me happily, he seemed so small from my full height. "Good job kiddo, Bee is doing a good teaching job isn't he?" I added in a slight questioning tone as we both began our walk towards the garden. The little man nodded happily as his small hand rested in the light grasp of my snow white hand. The hunch I had to do for him was painful on my spine but it was bearable. I smiled, walking quietly as we made our way to the front of the house.
"Hey Boo?" I heard Michael peep as we started stepping down the creaking wood steps. I tilted my head towards him, my tails going limp as they began to drag along the dirt of the path behind me.
"Hm?" I hummed curiously in response, shivering briefly as the hot sun bathed me unexpectedly. I couldn't help but notice Michael's hesitation to continue with whatever he had wanted to say, letting go of my arm as he skipped towards the rows of vibrant flowers. I settled down onto the short, soft grass, resting on my knees. The tips of my tails swayed calmly beside me while I watched the boy pluck a flower off its vine. My ears twitched to the sounds of bees buzzing close by which wasn't a shocker since I was currently surrounded by amazing smelling flowers. It was understandable to say the least.
"Why is Bee sad?" The piglin asked casually as he plopped down cross-legged in front of me. My emotions soon drained and were replaced with slight concern. My whole body showed off my guilt of not being more observant with Tubbo's feelings. Tubbo was sad? How did I not notice? Am I that shallow?
"I didn't know he was sad. Why do you believe he is sad?" I replied with a slight frown as I folded my hands in my lap, longing for the little boy's explanation. Michael sighed softly as he handed me a deep red rose that I began spinning between my fingertips anxiously.
"He pl..ayed a sad song on pi..ano." Michael explained with a sad and slow head shake. I inhaled deeply, losing myself in thoughts as he knotted the vine of the ghostly bright blue flower over and over again until the stem was nothing but knots. I tilted my head sadly.
"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I could go check on him?" I offered lightheartedly, it was clear the little boy was concerned for Tubbo which was really sweet. His dark gaze lifted from the flower as he began to nod slowly. I acknowledged his response with a firm nod, handing the rose back to him before hopping up to my feet and dusting the light soil that covered my legs.
"I'll go see what's up with him, if you need anything just come get me or him." I ordered meekly. Michael simply hummed with a small nod before I began to step away. I hurried to the front door, stepping quickly up the porch stairs before extending my hand towards the handle. I softly turned the knob before entering the massive building, being washed with the comfortable heat that swept through the atmosphere of the house.
"Tubbo?" I holared reluctantly as I closed the door behind me. The lack of sounds amongst the echoes of my curious voice made my tails anxiously curl around my ankles.
"Tubbo?" I repeated, making my way throughout the bottom floor, peaking around every corner and hallway. I took a left into the kitchen that was empty before a soft piano sound rang from the weakly closed ballroom doors. My tails loosened as the pool of worry drained from my guts. A small smile pulled at my lips as I began to approach the doors, gently pressing my fingertips into the smooth wood as the door creaked open. Sure enough,the goat boy was sitting there as he played a soft slow song. His body was slouched over, his elbow pressed down onto two or three keys while his head rested in the same palm. His ears were low and he did seem very down. I stayed put for a couple more seconds before building up the courage to see what was wrong. I slowly slipped my body through the small gap of the big doors, stepping inside while making big strides towards him. Soon enough, I was standing right behind him and I meekly laid my hand on his shoulder. Tubbo flinched from my touch before he lifted his head and looked over at me before a smile forcefully appeared along his face.
"You're not fooling anyone, what's wrong?" I breathed sadly which was quick to wipe away his act. Is it foolish that him hiding from me actually hurt my chest? Or is that normal?
"Just overwhelmed with worries." Tubbo replied in a low tone, flipping himself around to face me. I took a quick seat beside him, guiding his broken gaze to lock with mine.
"Well, talk to me. I'm here to listen." I assured him, folding my hands neatly as they rested upon my crossed legs. I watched as he hesitated to speak up but I didn't push him, just waited patiently.
"I..had a dream that replayed my death last night along with a few worrying things. Which is why you woke up to me sitting up and staring blankly at the wall." He began, breaking our eye contact as his dull eyes stared down at the floor. I tried to remember what he was talking about but my head wasn't cooperating with me today.
"I'm afraid I don't remember that happening, but I do believe you." I admitted sheepishly. Tubbo didn't answer and if anything his ears drooped more, if that was even possible at this point.
"What in the dream worried you?" I asked curiously, feeling this was a good time to wrap my arm around him and hug him close. I heard him quietly sigh before he shifted his hues back to me.
"You were lying. That none of this was real. It is real right? You aren't playing games?" Tubbo cried frantically, reaching out as he clutched fistfulls of my shirt. I felt my knees buckle out of fear. My tails tangled around my ankles tightly. I pulled my arm from around him and grasped his hands, beginning to gently pry them away.
"Bee what are you talking about? After everything we did to get here, you fear that it is simply a trick?" I asked gently as he eventually let go. His hands went limp in mine as his body sank.
"It's silly I know. Eret has been my friend for way too long and I guess he sort of got in my head. Plus I was always taught to be careful of your kind and to think of me here with you in the middle of nowhere is a bit worrying for others at times and.." As he continued to explain his scattered mind it was clear he didn't fully trust me. I never expected him to, but I'm not like the rest. At least I think so..
Tubbo froze after realizing how he was coming off. And his eyes instantly filled with regret.
"Ranboo, that's not what I mean..You're different. I don't mean to frame you as some sort of villain." He apologized quickly but it still wasn't turning the truth down.
"No, no it's fine. I don't blame you." I exhaled deeply and sadly, forcing some happiness to lace with the sad tone as an attempt to keep the mood lighthearted.
"Ranboo..-" He began but I was quick to cut him off while I rose to my feet. My multi-coloured tails tips curled into small swirls at my ankles as my eyes avoided his eye contact.
"You're not scared of me, right?" I questioned meekly, watching as the short boy stood to his feet and tossed his arms before he began to rant.
"No! Ranboo, I'm not scared of you. I said I was taught to be scared of you but guess what? Their lesson failed because I am not scared of you and in fact I love you so there." Tubbo exclaimed, filling the gap between us as he stepped forward and wrapped tightly around my waist. I felt him pout into my chest which did bring some joy into my head. I simmered in the silence, slowly hugging him back as I rested my chin on top of his head. I was mindful of his horns of course.
"I was overreacting." I muttered into his fluffy brown hair. As we began to calm down from that train of emotions, I felt his body loosen and so did mine. I smiled as I felt him nod into my chest.
"You were overreacting." He agreed through a deep inhale, tightening his grip around my body. His hug was so tight that it was making my ribcage close in.
"Okay, lighten up on the hug. You're gonna break my ribs." I teased through a long exhale. I could feel him snicker mirthfully and loosen his arms. I felt I could breathe again, what an honor.
"How did you find out I was upset anyways? I mean this with love but you are the most oblivious man I have ever met...when it comes to feelings that is." Tubbo questioned, hesitating to add the last part. I scoffed with a frown but yet again, he wasn't wrong so I didn't take it to my head and instead focused on his main question.
"Michael was concerned about the sad songs you were playing on the piano." I answered, feeling Tubbo pull his head from under my chin and look up at me shocked.
"Awh, how sweet of him." The shorter smiled, his dull eyes caught the off-white light of the ballroom. I nodded in agreement, not really paying attention as my eyes were unconsciously locked on him. The conversation died and we both enjoyed each other's presence and eyes, which was some strong eye contact I might add.
"Ranboo." Tubbo's voice rang smoothly, catching my attention as I felt my eyes begin to doze off in the calmness of the atmosphere.
"Tubbo." I echoed curiously, mocking his tone as he pulled from the hug but remained in my hold.
"Fighting's not for us." He said sternly with a head shake. I nodded slowly, adjusting my hold around him.
"Yeah, doesn't work well with us." I replied, agreeing with his statement as we frowned for a minute. Both of us got lost in silence again, a common occurrence at this moment.
"I like you, Boo. I like what we have." Tubbo spoke quietly and happily with a small smile that I charmingly returned with my own lighthearted smile.
"I like you too, StarBoy." I responded, reflecting his peaceful and kind tone as we pulled into our firm hug once again.
"That's new." Tubbo began, snuggling close as he was gripping me tightly.
"What is?"
"The nickname."
"Ooh, you noticed."
"How could I not?"
"I don't know."

That is the end of StarBoy!!♥️ There may be an epilogue for it is in the making. Feedback is appreciated and thank you for reading!!! ALSO thank you so much for 1.1K♥️♥️ I'm very grateful :D
Word Count: 2221
Have a good night/day!!!!<33


☆StarBoy☆ Ranboo x Tubbo, Made up AU ☆Where stories live. Discover now