Chapter 2

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The next morning, lazily She waked up  from the big king sized bed , She couldn't sleep  a wink as the night was too long to her  . She spent the whole night thinking if where to go and how is she going to start after she got out from the mansion .

Sighing, she went to the bathroom , washed up and  changed into  a floral dress fitting her perfectly reaching near  the ankles .She looked herslef in the mirror and gave herslef one string smile and went to  her daughter's  room .

As she walked  thoughts plated in her mind  .  She realised  something, her daughter would leave all these privilage behind and she would be forced to start a new life .

" This might be your last time my dear sleeping one large luxurious rooms with Teddy bears around  and to be blessed with  nothing but the riches around you  "

She whispers bitterly the words  , and opened the door know and got in her room . She almost panicked panicked she didn't  saw Mei in her room but quickly relaxed when she saw the maid who came out of her bathroom .

Oh miss Meryl,  how  did you sleep ? The elderly maid Ella asked with a warming smile .

I have slept well thank you, and you ? She asks her trying to sound pleasant .

Ah I have been alright,  Ella replies with a face shining brightly with a big wide charming smile .

''Oh are you looking for the little birdie ? "

Meryl couldn't  help but chuckle  like always, she has always brightened up her mood whenever she is at her lowest point .

"Mhmm .."  she replies back with a slight grin forgetting about the pain that she carried .
I have prepared her early for school  , I didn't  want to bother you . And you knkw how much i adore taking care of her .

Oh thank you so much Ella , she genuinely  told her and let her know that she would leave her do her work and she would go and  prepare breakfast which she quietly nod her head .

Each step that she took going down to the kitchen returned back the overwhelmness and the pain that she felt for herself and my dearest daughter . The energy that remained  had  almost vanished when she stumbled on the last three stairs and dropped on her butt as the bitter tears followed out .

I feel like a loser after everything. Everyone is going to look at me and judge me for my stupidity and my failed marriage . I blame myself with eveeything that's  been happening .

Jones was right, it was my responsibility to make the marriage the work and I wasn't  supposed to say no to him and force him to do things that he didn't want . Maybe ... maybe if I  would have been quite and let him approach me and nit nag him , things would have been different .

He might have noticed us and tried to bring us together and we could figure out something to do and maybe ... change??

She thought bitterly and carried on whimpering with hit tears that leaked her swelled eyes .

The kitchen phone suddenly ringed alerting her . She stood up and wiped the non existence dirt on her hands and   accepted the call  after masking the painful emotions .

Eh Ella .. is Meryl around ? The woman asked on the line .

"Ahem.. it's  me Linda ,"  Meryl replied with a slight chuckle and sniffled lightly. 

Oh then it's  you , Mwryl?

oh yea .. how are you doing Linda? Meryl asked cheerfuly .

Hold on .. who are you asking that question to ? Linda snapped all over sudden ,

A change of mood ? What happened ? Meryl asked her friend hearing the harsh tone she used on her .

Yes I am talking to you Meryl , or is there any other Meryl ,

Is there something wrong that you wouldn't  want to tell me linda,  ? Or do you need any help ? She anxiously asked her, 

Ah stop it !! You are as poor as a skin's sheep , now hear me out !

Meryl was utterly shocked and amazed of what her dearest bite frind of six years provoked her , never has she ever dreamt of this moment to ever implement in her life .

A..are you provoking me ? She couldn't  help but ask hesitantly becuase her tone showed that Linda was upto somethimg that made her confused .

Listen I don't  have time for this Meryl , your husband is going to divorce you soon , and I can't  pretend anymore all lovey dovey .. friendly pet of yours  ,becuase i can't  anymore .

You have nothing at this point and I would like to just end our friendship here. Right this instant and stop calling me because I will be blocking yiur line from calling mine ,

"B..but .. " Meryl wanted asked but she was cut short !!

I don't  care anymore Meryl , I thought  by being with you,  I would have been blessed with a man rich enough to surpass you or even manage to seduce your whore of a husband but guess what !

He has a rich and and quite an exequite taste that you and and i can't even afford .

Now , I ain't  going to talk so much, but thank you bitch and never call me when you are all battered , beaten , homeless and out on streets !!

Period ! I am not your find no more so bye .

Beep ..!! the call ended .

Merry was confused  , she looked at the caller ID again conforming that it was really her best friend of long , she was the same person that wanted to help her years ago .. and now .. now this ?

The pain in her heart increased at the most peak,  she couldn't  help but touch slightly , and carefree where her heart laid feeling the strings of betrayal  again for a short period of time from unexpected close people .

The tears couldn't  stop,  the wound's fresh and nothing can ease it . goodness .. she bit her lip controlling the loud sobs that wanted to slip off from her mouth  , her slim toned body slipped and dropped on the ground with  nothing  but pain  . She let the phone slip from her hold ,  heaviness clouded her soul .

Her head was in between her legs sniffling and thinking of where to start , She knew that there was absolutely  no way she is going to prepare breakfast after all this .

The angry hurtful words and insults have taken a toll on her and made her empty stomach fuller than she has ever had  .

With the littlest energy that she had on her body , the little respect that she had for herself and her baby she dragged herself to her room .

She knew what she had to if she wnated to keep the remaining  sanity to  herslef  and raise her girl !

" I am leaving ..." she mumbled silently and opened the door of her once she called maternal bedroom and looked at her remaing packages  with sorrow.

" I am not staying ... I am leaving this time . "

Again ...

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