Chapter 5

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Meryl looked at the mansion one last time before wiping her tears and carry her luggage outside ,

She looked no different from a maid who's  contract was done and was leaving for her village , she had no where to go   , she can not go back to her aunt either , she will definitely  kill her this time ,
Meryl was raised by her aunt and uncle who adopted her after her parents decided to dissapear in her life , her life was anything but peaceful .

She is pretty and anyone who saw her got completely dazed by her , she had soft features ,  a face younger than her 24 years of her age but with a lot of grief in her entire existence, 

Lust and men are two powerful things she knew when she was still a little through her uncle  and aunt, " she was a beauty , thus using her to get what they needed was a must ." Shs grew up being naive , and  everyone's  jock to please ,

And Meryl accepted her fate becuase she has no one to push her and to stand on her grounds , Her aunt and uncle were rich but too greedy,  they had no choice to take her in when they found out that they couldn't  have a kid of their own ,

Why not use her for all their lavish life , ? After all Meryl's blood can never be thick to them , She was just the daughter of her dissapearing sister who left her under her watch . She better be grateful,

Currently ,She had no one by her side , the small complex where she wanted to go to and live  with May is no option now ,

She met with few people in the rich neighbourhoods  who pointed fingers at her,  carrying her luggages and openly  talked about her .

Look at her , she is the same woman who  didn't  like to come and mingle with us , look where ut got her ? She is leaving her husband's  house,  she looks nothing like that man's wife , she deserves  better .

Women belittled her as she took every step of her way ,

She waited for a cab to pass by and made it stop,  the can driver helped her luggage which was only one bag ,

" where to ma'am ?" Thw driver asked looking at his mirror  watching her ,

To the women's  shelter please , she replied her body vividly  tired , her eyes had dark circled underneath as she leaned on one of her hands ,

Her marriage is over,  that's  what she coukd do but think , she is the only person who is responsible for the marriage to break down . She should have tried hard ,

Now she is all alone , becuase if her patheticness , " I deserve all this , " she sat on the cab embracing the doll that she once gave to her daughter , A little blonde doll ,

I wish I could reverse time and see My as her little self, how she adored not just her dad but me too, how she comforted and made me feel at peace and whole,

" what went wrong ,?"

Life changes everytime , b..but but  each time it's  harder than expected,  I am expected to endure all this ??  What kind of a person am I  ? Tests after tests of me being humiliated , ridiculed and to suffer under the clutches of my lived ones ,

" do all these actions count on from my old century's  life , ? Was i a horrible person to the close people in the old times ?
Many thoughts lingered her mind with no answers , The only response was the tears , the sadness , and her weak pathetic weightless body that swooned her  like a corpse ,

She looked no different than an Anorexic woman , but didn't  realise it . Trying too hard  on soemthing can kill, but Meryl has never thought  of that , she kept on trying hard failing to notice that she was stepped on like a doormat by everybody .

After  a journey  of two hours and a half , she found herself  in another city on a large old building with lots of scrappy old apartments lined ,

"We are here , " the driver announced .

Meryl thanked the driver and gave him his bus fare before the man helped her luggage out,

Ma'am please check in for a doctor , you look so sick . The man told her as he left her surprised, 

I .. I will , she replied more like to herself and watched the cab driver leave her  ,

She sighed and shaked her head taking her luggages inside the shelter house ,it was alredy dark   as she stared at the clouds .

As she walked to the shelter , she met up with a beautiful brunette older woman who stood tall sweeping on the hall area ,

Umm ..hello? She hesitantly  mumbled, 

Ahh hey there , come in ! The woman with  broad smile welcomed her ,this way please ...

Meryl followed the woman  as she escorted her to the dining area  , " Welcome to our shelter home , " I suppose you are here for a home ?

The woman asked  ,

Uh yeah , she embarrassedly mumbled playing with the hem of her dress ,

Ah it's  alright darling! At the moment most of the women  have left for some reason  , some are on their feet and are able to fend for themselves and some are bored living in this neighbourhood  as it gets lonely and very silent.

And some others  , well I don't  know . this place safe ,? Meryl asked shooting soft shy glares at her now and then , she found at that the woman is very chatty  and her name is Wanda, 

Oh darling, this place is one of the most safest, the government  look out for us  . They hire guards , and we get to live rent free  with monthly allowance until yiu get to be on yiur feet ,

Now before anything let me register you in the system  , is that alright? The woman asked for her consent, and immediately  Meryl agreed .

What's  more to ask for other than a rent free place , and a place to bed myself .

After an hour of completing eveything, Wanda announced she was not the main operator in the building and that the woman who is responsible  to be here has left for a short vacation from yesterday,  thus until she is back she is the main person who she can ask if she needed anything in the building ,

And here are your keys ,  don't  forget ,  your room number is 152 , she pat her back and led her to the staircases where she was required to climb up until she reaches her room ,

Thank you so much  , Meryl told the woman .

It's  alright, we are here to help each other.  If you need anything please let me know ,

Meryl nodded her head responding  and proceeded to walk upstairs unknown to her that life wouldn't  be fair to her anytime soon ,  not yet atleast !

Please let me know what you guys think  , thank you for reading 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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