chapter 3

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Meryl finished packing her stuff   , a tiredness sigh escaped her lips  and her eyes dropped ,  looking around the room which  once  she called hers ,

" It's  not yours  anymore  Meryl ,never been "

She stood up from the floor and dragged herself to the bathroom and washed her face and tried to make herself  presentable ,

She walked out and changed her clothes into a dress   , her eyes appeared swollen when she came face to face with a mirror , she didn't think about it and ended up moving her stuff downstairs ,

Not a second didn't  she think of her husband and her daughter,  she didn't  have a perfect life since she got married with her current husband but she was always satisfied with the littlest that he would do to her , she completely understood that he was busy and dedicating himself in work to reach great heights ,

" A horrible mistake after all,"

But she was still in denial ,

"Oh ma'am .. you are leaving ? " The fifty  old driver who has just arrived from god knows where interrupted her thoughts making her gasp ,

Her heart quickened as he looked at him , she quickly recoovered and gave her a smile .

Oh yea ... I am,  she replied back as if it was normal ,

"Do you need any help?"  He asked watching her every move making her uncomfortable , it made him lower his gaze with embarrassment and waited for her answer, 

Not really  , I wouldn't need any help I can manage , she replied boldly making him nod and leaving her alone .

"Poor her , he murmured silently ," Not like he cared really,  he knew earlier that sooner or later that this would happen,  he knew everything about his employer and he was nothing but a loyal dog to him , 

He wouldn't  dare interfere in their so called marriageife , After all it wasn't  his business as long as he gets his monthly cheque ,

Meryl went back inside biting the insides of her cheek , when she was off site she released a heavy breath and bursted into tears, 

The luggage that she has  packed  and the stuff she brought out reminded her of a good for nothing  failure she has been ,

To herself ,
Her marriage,  her heart  ,
The people around her including her husband ,
And most importantly her gorgeous  daughter .

She sniffled and wiped the tears softly with her hands , but they  wouldn't  stop even if she wanted to , her heart's  pleas said otherwise as it kept excruciatingly  bruising her with every pump and every memory that she was reminded  of her miserable life .

This was all becuass of my incompleteness,  if I was a  better wife,  or a better outgoing person who had class , maybe things might have  been different,

I would  have kept all of my friends , my husband and my family wouldn't  have been this broken , and I wouldn't  have experienced this pain for the second time ,

"You are Useless ... " her internal sounds accused making her shiver ,

She collected herself and went back to finshing collecting the remaining stuff , trying hard not to shake and shudder from the stares that she got from the butler,

When she was done , she decided to make a meal ... just one meal  , she had no idea what came over her when she stepped inside the beautiful luxurious marble kitchen  that she had once also  called it hers ,

She wanted to treat her going to be ex husband for one more meal that's  made from her , appreciating the course of years that he tried to adjust and live with her although he saw it throughly that she has always been useless ,

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