Chapter 11-20

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Chapter 11: The Graduation Test

Dawn broke as light spread across the ninja village Konoha. Light broke through the curtains of a certain blonde ninja. "GET UP KIT, YOUR GONNA GRADUATE TODAY AND YOU NEED TO WAKE UP!"

Naruto slowly got up from his bed and rubbed his eyes, and thought to himself, 'Alright Kyubi-sempai I'm up.' He decided to open his curtains more to let light inside. He turned and looked at his room. He had many lifting weights on the ground, a pair of gloves hanging on the wall, pictures with his family on the walls or his desk, his ninja outfit hanging on his door, some training equipment, a bookshelf with ninja tactics, strategies, jutsu, and novels for light reading.

Naruto went to his bathroom to brush his teeth, took a shower, and straightened himself out. Leaving his bathroom he put on his outfit which was long black shorts that pass his knees (Basketball shorts, but not called that) with a thick orange line going down the sides of the shorts, black sandals, a black shirt with the the words 'Hyuga' written on his the sleeve of his left arm and 'Uzumaki' written on his right arm in orange writing.

Naruto's blonde hair is a little longer in the back which he kept well trained. He was a tad bit more tanned then he was when he was younger.

Naruto turned to grab some bandages that he wraps around his hands and half of his forearms. He grabbed his fingerless gloves that were hanging on his wall. On the knuckles of the gloves were metal studs. After getting completely dressed his partner said, "OI, AFTER TODAY LET'S GET SOME RAMEN. WE HAVEN'T HAD SOME IN AWHILE SINCE YOU PROMISED HANA THAT WE WOULD LAY OFF THE STUFF FOR A COUPLE WEEKS TO EAT HEALTHY BEFORE THE TEST."

'Alright I've been craving that as well.' He was about to walk out the door when someone else barged in. To Naruto's smile it was Hinata. "Good-morning Naruto-kun." Hinata was wearing her tan jacket with fur lining with the Hyuga symbol on the arm of the jacket. Black tight shorts (Bike shorts), blue sandals, and a black mesh shirt underneath her jacket.

Naruto gave her a hug and said, "Good-morning Hina-hime."

Hinata giggled and said, "Tou-san, oka-san, oba-san, Hanabi-imouto, and Neji-niisan are waiting for you for breakfast. Tou-san sent me to come get you."

"Okay Hina-hime." He closed his door and the two walked to the Hyuga eating area. Greeted by many of the other Hyuga who told the two that they were happy for them, but one Hyuga in particular told the two.

"Oh, good-morning Hinata-chan, Naruto-kun." Naruto greeted her and Hinata said, "Good-morning to you to Aoi-chan how is your day?"

"It's goin. I have to leave later today to go meet up with a friend." Aoi said hiding her blush from the children.

Naruto caught this and asked, "Ohhhhh, and who would this friend be?" Hinata began to chuckle.

Aoi looked at them smiling, "Now, now Naruto-kun that would be telling. Anyway I have to go hand these documents to some of my superiors in the main and branch house. Come back with those Leaf hitai-ite." She passed them up waving a goodbye to the two.

Naruto and Hinata waved back and continued to go meet everyone who were sitting down to eat. Hanabi ran to her sister and hugged her, "Hinata-neechan. Your going to graduate today right?" Hinata nodded to her.

Neji looked at Naruto, "Today will be fun for you won't it?" Naruto nodded and asked, " Will you be there for my graduation?"

Neji unfortunately shook his head, "Sorry Naru, the hokage is sending my squad on a five day mission so I'm sad to say I won't see it."

Kana smiled and said, "Don't worry Naru-kun myself, Hana-sama, Hanabi-san, and Hiashi-sama will attend yours and Hinata's graduation ceremony."

Hiashi smiled and said, "Yes it will be fun today to hear that you two will graduate and become ninja. You'll make us all proud like Neji-kun here, and..." He paused for a minute, "Hizashi-san."

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