Chapter 61-70 Final!

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Chapter 61: Konoha's Personal War

* The Next Day: Konoha: Namikaze Compound *

Naruto was laying down on the couch just waking up for the morning to start. He decided to sleep on the couch letting Ino and Hinata have the master bedroom for the night. The extra rooms didn't have any beds yet so he had no choice but to sleep on the couch. He stared at the ceiling thinking about what Ino asked of him yesterday and about what he should do about Nagato. So many things were happening around him that he can't keep track.

He sat up and got off the couch and left the house making sure to lock it good. The moment he turned around he saw an ANBU already on one knee bowing down telling him, "Namikaze-sama, the meeting is about to start. I'm here to escort you to there." Naruto nodded then they both ran to the front gate heading straight for the Hokage tower.

* Konoha Hospital *

Tsunade and Shizune were inside the head office relaxing for a moment after pulling an all nighter. Tsunade was brought out of her relaxation when a knock at her office door came, she quickly told them to enter. Her office door opened up revealing two ANBU ninja with a girl in tow.

The medic simply smiled and told the ANBU, "You two go wait outside my door." Both the ANBU ninjas nodded and left the girl in the center of the room and waited outside closing the door behind them. Tsunade looked at the girl in front of her, red eyes, she had short pointy red hair with it being messy on the right, but straight on the left side. She was wearing a lavender long sleeve zip up shirt with a high collar, black short shorts, long black thigh high stockings, brown glasses, and shoes.

Tsunade got up from her desk and she walked over to the girl and said, "What's your name?"

"Karin" answered the red head.

"I understand that you worked for my former teammate am I right?" asked Tsunade. Karin looked in the opposite direction and was bitting her lip. Tsunade grabbed the girl by the collar of her shirt and made her look her in the eyes, "I asked you a question!"

Karin felt the pressure in the room change and immediately answered, "H-Hai." Tsunade dropped her making the red head fall to her knees. She walked back to her desk and said, "Your going to be in my medic squad. From what Ibiki told me is that you've been using your God given medic ability for Orochimaru-teme's experiments. Now your going to use 'em to save lives."

Karin immediately stood up and wanted to argue, "What! I can't just live as an ordinary citizen!"

Tsunade looked at her and smiled, "I should tell you that there are very few ninjas who know that you were with Orochi-teme, those ninjas would eventually tell other ninjas, then those ninjas might tell villagers, then those villagers would tell other villagers and some of those people are the families that Orochi-teme experimented on. There is a ninja named Anko that was Orochi-teme's student and no one trusted her for a very long time. She had to work her ass off to prove that when the time comes that she would gladly kill him, hell she even said she'd leave him half dead just to let the villagers have crack at him."

Tsunade stopped and sat down in her chair and continued, "You on the other hand if word got out that you were Orochi-teme's follower they wouldn't take to kindly to that. No one trusts you right now and would kill you for even the slightest hint of you turning on us after saving you from him."

Shizune looked at Tsunade and said, "Tsunade-sama maybe that's going a little to far."

Tsunade told Shizune, "No she needs to hear this. Karin!" Karin looked straight at Tsunade at the call of her name, "If you really what you can be a civilian since you lived up to your end of the bargain so I'm told you can leave this office now. However once your out there your safety is very slim, villagers might take action against you, ninjas may even look the other way. You never know." Karin's heart sank at those words and she looked down at her feet.

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