Chapter 21-30

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Chapter 21: Begin the Chunin Exams

The day had finally come, the Rookie 9 were rested and ready for the exams. Though Naruto had the day before learned of his sensei's love life, the downside of his love, trusting another Uchiha, and learning of a plan to help his sensei. But today that was the least of his worries since he, Hinata, and Shino had to get ready for the the day.

Naruto put on his black muscle shirt with an orange going down from his shoulder down to his side, black basketball shorts with the same orange line going from his hip down and down his legs, bandage wraps around his hands going up his forearm, black sandals and he wrapped his ninja pouch around his waist and his kunai holster on his right leg. Naruto looked at his clock and said, "I gotta go pick up my package from Ten-Ten Shinoda's shop today for sure." After getting ready he left his room and went to Hinata's door and knocked on it.

Hinata walked out in her new outfit which was a white v-neck ninja shirt with a hood and sleeves that passed her elbows, a fishnet shirt underneath it, a ninja pouch on her waist, black ninja pants, black sandals and a yin-yang symbol on the back of the shirt. "Morning Naru-kun, ready for today?" Naruto grinned and said, "Yeah, I'm ready to show everyone what I can do."

Hinata smiled and said, "Neji-nii already left to meet his squad for the exams." Naruto said, "I hope we all make it to the finals." Hinata and Naruto walked to the main gate only to run into Hiashi, Hana, Hanabi, Kana, and Aoi waiting for them.

Hana ran over to hug them both, "I'm so proud of you two." Naruto and Hinata returned the hug. Once it broke Hanabi ran to Hinata and said, "I'm gonna be rooting for you the whole time nee-chan."

Hinata said, "Thank you Hanabi." Aoi walked to Hinata and said, "Thanks Hinata-chan for helping me yesterday." Hinata said, "Don't thank me Aoi-nee." Aoi hugged Hinata and told her good luck.

Hiashi was looking at Naruto and said, "You've made me happy Naruto-kun. Your strong and reliable, don't let no one tell you anything different." Naruto said, "I'll make you proud Hiashi-ossan."

Kana hugged Naruto from behind and said, "Both of my boys will do great. Hizashi would be proud of you both." Naruto happily nodded, "Thanks Kana-oba."

Hiashi walked to Hinata and said, "Make sure he doesn't lose his temper." Hinata said, "Hai, tou-san." Hiashi hugged her and said, "Your stronger than me when I was your age, you will make a fine kunoichi."

Naruto walked next to Hinata and said, "Ready?" She looks at him and says, "Always." Both of them turned around and started walking away waving back at their family.

* Ichirakus *

Shino was waiting outside the restaurant when he looked over his shoulder to see Hinata and Naruto making their way to him. "Good morning you two... Nervous?"

Naruto said, "Hell no! Squad 13 will definitely pass the exams!" Hinata giggled at Naruto's antics. Shino said, "Thats good to hear. Let's get going. We're suppose to meet the proctors at the academy."

Naruto said, "Hey can we make one quick stop at the weapons shop?" Hinata and Shino looked at him in disbelief. Hinata said, "Naruto your suppose to get your weapons before hand." Shino silently nodded in agreement.

Naruto said, "No it's not what you think. I had the owner of the shop make me a chakra sword, I had already paid him in advance with the money I had saved up, I asked him to make it when we came back home from Wave, but he said it would take some time since he had a lot of orders to fill out and that it would take a week to complete. He finally finished it yesterday, but as you guys know a lot happened yesterday and it slipped my mind."

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